Strange Photo Lighting. Anybody Have Experience Buying From Ace Auctioneers On EBay?

I saw a few of their EBay auction certified offerings and they all have a golden yellow look. They claim it’s from the sunshine affecting their coins photography. Anybody buy any coins from them with either positive or negative results. Thanks. Here are a couple I saw on EBay
Best Answers
Mr_Spud Posts: 5,858 ✭✭✭✭✭
If you look at all their images of coins in their eBay store, some show a reflection of a yellow light bulb. Not sure why they use yellow, but that seems to be why their coins look golden in color when they should be silver. It might not be deception since they sell so much other things besides coins, they might be using a lighting setup that’s the same for everything they sell. Not sure though.
Here’s a few that show the reflection of the yellow light bulb
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bigjpst Posts: 3,140 ✭✭✭✭✭
@Walkerlover said:
@Mr_Spud said:
Strange thing Mr. Spud is they claim it’s the yellow sunshine causing this effect
The yellow "bulb" could be the sun if they take the pictures outside.
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MsMorrisine Posts: 33,703 ✭✭✭✭✭
there is another boone with a green bean
problem for me is the splotch on the reverse
cac doesn't mind, but i do
those pics would probably mask it
you like buying from bad photos?
Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions0
look over all their pictures. how would you describe their pictures?
They seem juiced up but I can’t be sure. Coins seem similar looking
you like buying coins you're unsure about them due to questionable pictures?
I saw one coin I really liked so I was hoping someone could provide personal feedback
you like buying coins you're unsure about them due to questionable pictures?
Seem to have good feedback
Strange thing Mr. Spud is they claim it’s the yellow sunshine causing this effect
I dunno, but It might be a different person answering emails than the one who took the pictures and they were just giving a first hunch plausible explanation.
I’m pretty sure the white balance is messed up on the sellers camera.
the op pics show white on the rim of the pcgs plastic
i still point to the quality of the pics
you like buying from questionable pics?
no one noticed a huge problem with the pics?
none of them include a cac sticker
questionable photos and not cac'd ... what could go wrong?
Found one.

Somebody from the true view dept. moonlighting.
I see that now, and more i missed
I notice the place has a 30 day seller pays return.
if you're going to buy from questionable pics looking for a score, plus you'll only still buy because 1)) returnable and 2)) it's cac'd, then I would say considering you history that your reliance on a cac sticker despite bad pics indicates a "you keep it either way." ... just too many past returns.
you need to take some personal responsibility and 1)) lower your risk taking with auctions, 2)) do everyone a favor and buy from reputable sellers who have good pics, 3)) up your grading, and 4)) if you rely on cac to buy, as someone still learning, don't return it because you couldn't turn green to gold or because you think cac got it wrong... cac said it was good: take it up with cac
I have not bought from them under that name (not sure if they have changed), but you can see yellow light reflection on some of the slabs. That will have an effect on the white coins.
White balance is way off!
Thank you for your input. I am more aware now about the risk of buying from this seller as the pictures are not clear with the yellow distortion to make a reasonably assessment of the coins quality. All kinds of issues can be hidden with this type of lighting.
But how would my good buy say anything about your coin when the pictures are flawed?
Seem to remember going down this road before?
Just buy the bean
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Very true JM. I was thinking of taking a gamble if the price was right, but I don’t like that I can’t see the coin surfaces clearly through that yellow tint