How much do my coins worth?

These are two quarters from 1980 and i noticed some mistakes on them (on one there is filled "P" and on other filled "D").
I wonder if you see those mistakes too and how much would those coins worth?
They are just worth a quarter each. It’s cool that you are looking at your change though.
Dear Mr_Spud,
are you sure about that cause I found on ebay that its rare.|enc:AQAJAAABIM%2BSIK5LCqs2uiCwInhHqGVzIMLIMo0iPltG%2Fc%2FV8dzqXG8bAAbTVw985HbdYTuG2wPTDx%2F8lbe8GSu4NUrsEPcDBvCLFhf2QkBmtTX5yUHK2u0vY%2BAnviU0spH%2Btk2Ur77a6iJuxbh0hdT83NfeVdNAO%2FLVIT%2BRnANtOqjaedtMPCNV6QWkgB0Px1NDsrXaLb1jraRGHJ%2Bu5ID4XMz0ltu2hikPU8pCtrcRkgk4tZY6BIVVnoy2n7WCTgThfDRwuB0F7BiJWdv49xXTj1dx%2BBGlilBzQaxYlNuk6bNx8z0mmtMq0dGFxtvSsa%2Fk8aA%2FfANLqZ8gkGWTiS1hiymAJL2ES1ZNp64EXRoCZTvMSNTeq7ckd2gIIowVNkbzbpjMxA%3D%3D|ampid:PL_CLK|clp:2332490&itmmeta=01JGH2T9G78M74XEBX3828BZ0Q
The filled mint marks are caused by what is known as a broken post which are common and not rare.
If the post breaks early enough in the run, there coild be more that are filled than not filled.
Do not believe all that you read on ebay or etsy. A seller can ask whatever he wants for a raw coin uo to
a maximum of $2500.00. Sellers like this prey on the uniiformed and just hope that someone may bite
on their ridiculous asking price. Just check to see how many are sold, not by what they ask.
As stated, yours are worth 25 cents each.
Terminology correction: They are not called "mistakes" It is either an error or damage.
My advice... if you are actively searching for coins, buy the two volumes of the Cherry Pickers Guide and look on Ebay for known varieties.
The work has been done for you.
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Don’t trust what you see listed on eBay. If you want to gauge value, it would be more accurate to look at auction results, not active listings. As stated in the first response, these are worth a quarter each. You have every right to disagree with the answers you get, but if you want a second opinion, take them to a coin dealer and see how much you are offered for them.
Also, the seller in your post sells a bunch of water fleas, not coins. Up to you to decide who knows more about coins.
Welcome to the forum. As others have said your coins are only worth face value. If you really like coins stick around, read, and soak up as much knowledge as possible. I spent about 10 years "lurking" (just reading) on this forum before I ever made my first post. There is a wealth of knowledge here if you are willing to learn.
Philippians 4:4-7
Welcome to the forum and Happy New Year.....keep looking, they are out there!
An eBay seller of cheap quarters tells me that he has buyers for coins with filled mint marks.

They sell for a dollar up—not that they’re worth it, but people buy them.
Worth a Quarter each.
How much are my coins worth?
Your coins are worth 25¢ each.
Me thinks Tobias is not a believer that his coins are worth only 25c
Thanks for explinations. I am new with numismatic. I collect error coins and I thought that they worth more but ok.
Spend it. Keep looking as well, ya never know 👍
Why did you think they are worth more? That a serious and important question. It's possible that you are right, and you have more information than the people here.
Or it's possible that you're getting false information from some source. If that's the case it would be good to find out as soon as possible so you can stop paying attention to wherever you're getting bad information from.
Is it REALLY possible that OP is right and has more information than the people here?
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Well, in fairness, we all have a new source for water fleas. So that's something I learned here.
Capped Bust Half Dime registry set: Bikergeek CBHD LM Set
Probably the water flea guy. If he knows his water fleas, he likes to discern fine details and would be an ideal candidate to become an authenticator or an ASE MS69/70 grader. A diatomist would be even better.
Welcome to the jungle. These are error coins. Anomalies are common and not rare.
Welcome to the forum.
There are still treasures to be found in change:

And that's "billion" with a B, boys!
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
An ebay listing is not a sale. You can put anything for any price as a listing. That doesn't mean it will sell for that price.