1969 D lincoln Memorial Penny

Hi everyone, Happy New Year for all, I found this Lincoln penny i I Thing it look like error and double face also looks like floating roof and also no FG doubled face is that true I need your help place. Thanks lot and GOD Bless everyone.
Not sure what you are considering an error, please be more explicit.
I do see the floating roof and no FG, this is caused by overpolishing of the
die and can occur on any year memorial cent.
Thanks guys very much.
Just a highly circulated and damaged cent - a "spender"
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
It appears to be a No FG. FS-901 variety. A readily available variety that can be bought in AU grades for around $2 on eBay. But yours is severely damaged, corroded. Cool find but worth face value in it's condition.
Nice pictures.
Thanks again guys for reply.