anyone else having trouble accessing their "Activity" page on the registry?

I am trying to upload obverse and reverse dated photos for a coin that another registry participant has not removed from their registry. In the past, I have navigated to the "Activity" page which shows my outstanding requests and has an area to upload images. For the last week or so, the link to the activity page leads to an "Oops! Errors Happen" page for me. I have also tried on a different browser. Is anyone else having this problem?
As an aside, does anyone know of another way to upload the photos?
The Activity page loaded fine for me just now (NOT one of those "it must be you" type of responses, the Oops error has to be one of their busiest pages...) -- I haven't been able to "report a cert that matches this composite" for weeks now, a problem they've admitted they're aware of. Emilio has said to email them the cert information, and so far I've had probably 50% success - seems if they read the email, it'll get handled - problem is, getting them to actually read the email. Had one clear in two days, another one has been a couple weeks now with no updates or acknowledgements. But, in a direct answer to your question, I'd say email would be the best bet, beyond brute-force repeat attempts. You might look through your email to see if they sent a confirmation for your removal request, and reply to that directly, with pictures. And, if you're not already aware, check to see if it's a newer NFC holder (should have a wi-fi style symbol on the back) -- if so, use the PCGS app to scan and add it -- the NFC tag bypasses ALL of that garbage --- and I can confirm as of the last locked-up coin I got a few days ago, IT WORKS! (One of the very few things that app is actually successful at...)
@oldsmagnet Thanks, I appreciate the reply.
Additionally, you can try going directly to the requests page, no idea if it'll give different results or not
Thanks, that was a great idea. Unfortunately I received a 403 error, which from my google search indicates some sort of permissioning issue. Looks like I will have to contact customer support after the holidays.
Make sure you're signed in on PCGS before putting the address in? (I'm grasping at straws now, but yeah...)
Same game here for me today.
Tried to enter a coin that I received today from GC but it was still in someone elses registry set so I sent in a cert removal request which went fine.
I then tried to access my activity page so I could add the required pictures but got the dreaded oops errors happen page.
I have no issues accessing any other pages or my sets.
Did anybody find a cure for this problem?
If so, please let me know.
Kennedys are my quest...
Still can't report a certificate to add coins that should be in the set. Two weeks and nothing. I even also used their form and provided details, and nothing. I can't see any way how to do this on the phone app either. Honestly PCGS support and IT is hopeless.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
That describes my issue exactly. No resolution for me yet. I emailed but probably not the best time of year to be hoping for a speedy response.
I assume you mean because it's falling on those critical days between Jan 1 and Dec 31...
As far as the Registry is concerned, their busy season SHOULD be July 1st to maybe mid-August while they get the awards straightened out, with the rest of the year being expansion and maintenance. Maybe they've given staff some extra days off for Christmas break, I suppose, but you'd think they'd make an announcement saying "Hey, we're sending both our people home for a few weeks so nobody will be available -- we promise you won't notice a difference"
In a broken series of emails dating back to Dec 10? (I think?) Emilio responded that they were aware of the "Oops" errors, and that for the time being, I should send my requests directly to him -- and since then, it's just been crickets.
I tried to call yesterday but could not get thru.
I also sent Emilio an email but have not received a reply as of yet.
Maybe on Monday next (1/6/25), I can get thru on the phone.
If I do, I will post what the response was.
Happy New Year to all.
Kennedys are my quest...
I originally roported these issues - the Activity page not being accessible with the infamous OOPS page as well as the inability to report a cert not being accepted in the appropriate slot back on 10 or 11 December. I have reported it several times since then. I have written an extensive, critical letter to PCGS and sent it several ways. As with all of you, no responses since Emilio permitted 20-25 slots in different sets that I had sent him.
I spoke with Emilio this morning and here is the latest:
1. Emilio apologizes for not responding more often - he has been swamped, is getting ready to get married, and actually took a few days off. He is committed to clearing all back emails this week. He has a meeting with his manager tomorrow (Tuesday, 7 Jan) morning and plans to addrtess our complaints/issues. I suggested that a banner notification of some kind (as mentioned above) would really help and reduce the amount of email traffic he gets.
2. As noted above, he and their team are aware of the issues. Frankly, he is not too sure what the corporate priority is on it but hopefully his meeting with his manager tomorrow will light at least a little fire.
FYI, a #403 error is the standard "Page not found" error code. The IT team here has coded the "Forbidden" message, as can always be done to replace a default standard error message with one that the organization prefers - such as including a POC for further information or help or whatever. As suggested above, it can occur when an attempt is made to access a restricted page, but that is because the denied page is a "Page not found".r
Hope this helps.
I too just spoke with Emilio a few minutes ago.
I was given the info that you just stated.
I know that he is really "swamped" because of the tiredness in his voice.
He told me that he works about 7 hours a day on his emails.
He said that he has about 70% completed / addressed.
The IT people are the slackers here for reasons that we the registry owners are not privy to.
On a seperate note, I received a notice from Pcgs that a coin cert in my set was being requested to be removed so that another set owner could add it to their set(s).
To dispute the request, I was asked to go to my Activity page and deny the reqest.
Oh you mean the page that we can not access? lol
I feel that I was very fortunate to get thru to Emilio, who fixed this for me.
He knows as some of you do, that I do not sell coins.
I have them all.
Beware if you get a removal request. You may have no recourse without talking to a human.
Kennedys are my quest...
The Ativity page is currently working this morning.
A tip of the hat to Emilio for pushing the IT department to remedy this near month long issue.
Kennedys are my quest...
Down Again
My Indians
Danco Set
Not to jinx myself but mine is up and working.
I hope that it is now working for all.
Update issue?
Kennedys are my quest...

Mine is still down
Maybe because I complain the most...................
My Indians
Danco Set
This just landed in my email -- maybe they're going to revamp the whole works and give us a system that actually works? --- Or.... they're going to announce a new service to start grading and packaging Beanie Babies...
Judging by past performances and promises, I am not going to hold my breath.
No tingly anticpation feelings here.
Kennedys are my quest...
Well Mike,
mine crashed this afternoon. lol
Kennedys are my quest...
Stephanie gave a short talk to about one hundred of us attending the PCGS Luncheon Friday at the FUN show. The “Big” news is they’re almost ready to release a revamped online submission portal, and NOTHING on the technical or personnel shortage with Set Registry. Also, NO opportunity to ask her questions while she was at the podium. That was a BIG disappointment!!!!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Doesn't suprise me one bit
My Indians
Danco Set
Figures.... I've never had any ^real^ troubles with the online submission process... If it ain't broke, fix it until it is...
...Although, if they're going to adjust it so misprinted labels, or other "mechanical errors" can be submitted online instead of trying to deal with the tiny print of their paper submissions.... I guess I'd consider that an improvement.... although... I, too, will not be holding my breath.
Suddenly I feel torn between withholding my next submission until the registry gets fixed, or rushing to submit them NOW before they break THAT function too... Probably a good thing I've got too many irons in the fire, and don't have time to devote to it right now.
They just figured out a way tio get your money faster
My Indians
Danco Set
I have a workaround for the Cert page. If you use the Registry app, you can hit the bell in the upper right corner and upload pics from there!
I unfortunately still get the dreaded Oops error.
This might be because I have a notice from PCGS that I cannot access as it is trying to load the activity page with the message.
I hope this works for others who do not have a notice notification.
Kennedys are my quest...
Emilio must be on his honeymoon as when I call I get the immediate pre-recorded message:
....there is no one available to answer your call.....
I called 35 times over the last 3 days.
So IMO, Emilio is the only one who is able to handle our concerns.
It seems like there is no cross-training being done by our hosts.
Kennedys are my quest...
Is anyone NOT having issues with PCGS?
With no answers, it looks like all of us are having problems.
For me:
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I can't ever find my 'activity' page unless I follow the link I have gotten in an email from them.
Once I get to the activity page, I can not upload 2 pictures at once.
I end up emailing the 2 pics front/back to them
Well, the activity page issue clearly is not unique to me. Misery loves company.
This is the kind of stuff that kills businesses. I buy PCGS coins and send coins to PCGS for grading largely because I collect registry sets. I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars with them only to be presented with constant barriers that prevent me from enjoying one of the aspects of collecting that I really enjoy.
What's really sad, is that recent events have proven PCGS monitors these forums, a couple of us have gotten written warnings for our expressions of dissatisfaction. Many of us have had personal admissions from Registry staff that they're aware of the Registry problems -- yet there's no visible attempts to actually fix anything and no public acknowledgement that they're even trying. At a certain point you have to assume that it has to be by choice :-(
I know I've personally doubled the size of the Australia One Ounce Silver Kangaroo Proof set, with I think five more that they haven't gotten put in yet. I've added a significant amount over the years to the Kangaroo Circulation set, and Koala set, and well over 200 Kookaburra varieties that the Registry still has no interest in migrating into a set. A vast majority of those coins were self-submitted with the sole purpose of building COMPLETE registry sets. As it stands, I have to go over to NGC to figure out which coins I'm missing.
I've got probably 30 Proof Kangaroos sitting on the desk next to me, waiting to become the next submission. I've run out of reasons to spend the money to support a company that simply doesn't care.
It took our combined misery and frustration to get Taco123 to break his 19 year silence!!!
I see my missing 2024 Ikes Gold banner has now shown up - So, I guess, credit where credit is due. Baby steps. Hopefully....
Emilio is back and is working on the emails that have accumulated while he was on his honeymoon.
He actually called me tonight on an old issue that I, by the grace of god, was able to fix when the activity page worked.
He quickly fixed an issue on my lowball Kennedy set where a 2023 coin was not being set rated due to the red ampersand.
He also added the 2024 coin requirements to this set and a few other Kennedy sets.
He is the only person working on the registry set emails. I think he will retire at age 67 before he gets thru half of them. LOL
I told him about the 2 Long Beach shows being canceled in June and September. He was totally surprised as there was no mention to him about this.
I also told him that even though our hosts are monitoring the forum posts, that they are not understanding the seriousness of the issues that we all are upset with and are taking us for granted.
I mentioned that many of us are moving our coins to different TPG registry sets and are not submitting coins to Pcgs to have them graded unless things change and we get a little respect and resolve to our issues.
Just maybe our hosts will make our concerns a priority and fix them quickly.
Kennedys are my quest...
Hopefully for everyone's sake, he's got enough back-channel communication with the company that he can convince the bean counters that any of this matters. At this point it'll probably be a race between him and us for who gives up and bails first. It's hard to stay at a job when the bosses don't give you the support you need.
I call this killing the golden goose. The PCGS preference over NGC had a lot to to with the registry. With Hansen leaving if they force the rest of us from the registry, they will destroy a good part of the business.
You must have some pull..................
My Indians
Danco Set
We all are...I emailed Emilio again this AM and told him to check the Registry message board about the Activity page...hope something come of it...
Time to put my money where my mouth is. As submitted:
I am sad that it has come to this for you. Their lack of attention to basic registry and website maintenance is robbing all of us of some of the joy of this hobby. For the corporate owners that are only interested in the bottom line, what is the value of the reputational capital, forged over decades, that is being lost each day? Poor customer service, lack of support for the registry, shoddy TrueViews and complete silence from leadership. No acknowledgement of the issues, no transparency, no roadmap for improvements, nothing at all. @gschwernk said it best. Killing the golden goose indeed.
Nothing will be done until it hurts the bottom line
And then it might be to late to save it
I have not and will not spend another penny with them until they start fixing the problems.
Sent my request to Emilio on Jan 5, still waiting for it to get released
Maybe othesr should think about it before they send anything
My Indians
Danco Set
And all the while, they're absolutely FLOODING their facebook page with their daily victory laps, like they haven't got a care in the world. Realistically, I think that sends my blood boiling even more than the crap they're pulling with the registry "HEY, everybody! Look at how GREAT we are!" "(just don't look 'over in that direction over there...')"
@oldsmagnet Nicely written note. Slowly but surely, I'm getting there too.
Unfortunately, I don't see CAC as a realistic option for me, nor NGC for that matter (or any other new arrivals that may show up) -- I've got several hundred PCGS slabs making up my sets, and in order to make or keep the sets complete, they'd ALL need to be crossed over to whatever I'd jump to -- even if they were to recognize the "other guys" it still would absolutely bother my OCD to have 'em mixed up like that (I'm already pretty salty over how PCGS screwed up the Australian High Relief slabs, so, having that level of mismatch would drive me nuts. PCGS has me by the short-n-curlies there, so I guess I'll have to just hope to get my sets as complete as I'm willing to accept them, before PCGS's corporate arrogance sends them into bankruptcy. I absolutely HATE rewarding professional incompetence with further business transactions.
I'm in your boat, as 100% of my coins are in PCGS holders! However, I find absolutely NO problem fully participating in the CACG Registry, and using their recordkeeping as well! I find absolutely no need to cross my coins.
It works!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I went over to MyCollect and I am very happy I did
They take all slabs now even anacs
Like others here I'm done............
My Indians
Danco Set
Yes, @oldsmagnet , MyCollect is great too. Mike and I each have our coins in PCGS holders, and the MyCollect Registry and inventory recordkeeping is great too!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
As you guys may know, my 1200 plus Pcgs coins have been on the MyCollect site for over a year and a half.
I joined on July,13th, 2023.
I am very pleased with their site and the open conversations that we have shared.
My screen name there is Woody.
Kennedys are my quest...