Collection goals for 2025

I saw this topic across the street and thought I would ask it here.
For me, I will continue working on my Base Tom Brady rookie collection. I am up to 30 of 44 currently. I would like to add at least 8-10 more this coming year to put me within spitting distance of completing it. Thankfully I already have the key cards, I have quite a few pacific left. I think the most expensive one left for me is Donruss #230.
What about you guys?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Learning how to grade vintage again.
Try not to spend so much money.
Trim the fat. Then get more.
Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.
wow, 13 more to go! sounds like you will complete that 86 fleer set this coming year!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Continue working on my 1961 baseball graded auto set and continue buying any nice-looking graded vintage I can afford.
Continuing to work on the Football Hall of Fame Set. My goal for 2024 was 70% and top 20, it was just accomplished spending NO new money. The set is feeding itself. My goal for 2025 is adding another 10%.
I’m driving towards 100 key cards, nicest shape I can afford. So instead of having 3 Lemieux rookies in grades 7-8, sell all three and find a 9, or an 8 that looks like a 9.
Ultimately I’d love a high end hockey collection that fits on a single shelf.
Will require quite a bit of selling, and moving on from a ton of 20-100 dollar cards. But should be much more satisfying to flip through a single box of beauty cards vs the multiple trunks and boxes I am rocking today.
@80sOPC I have been on the same journey. while I will end up with FAR more than 100 cards, I should have many fewer than 100k cards when I am done!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Ha, ya 100 cards is pretty ambitious. I will keep my set runs so probably 100
Cards + 10 key OPC sets + some wax.
Keep looking for a nice 1948 Leaf Jackie Robinson well as a nice 1949 Bowman Paige RC.
I like how another member said 'trim the fat'.... plan to sell a bunch of non-key cards in hopes of buying some rarer items on my want list.
always room for more Brett cards!!! especially OPC!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I will be focusing on my 1971 OPC baseball set. I need 9 third series, 23 4th series and a little over a hundred between the 5th and 6th series. I started this set in 2022. It will probably take a few more years to complete it. This set is NOT for centering freaks.
Focusing on the following:
1. Finishing 1960 and 1955 topps baseball with majority of the stars already obtained.
2. Start 1965 and 1956 topps baseball set.
3. Cleaning up excess cards and removing I don't need anymore.
One big thing I realized in 2024 was how fun it is when you take your time with building sets. I was always concerned on missing out on so many of the vintage stars completely being priced out. However, the cards will always be there and being able to save and delaying the gratification has been more enjoyable to collect. It would have been nice to buy it a cheaper price, but the quality of the collection and memories from slow collecting has been a great learning experience.
Anyone else learn anything from 2024 that they will take into their collecting goals going into 2025?
Just 2 goals:
1. Finish up my NFL Rookie HoF set (just 4 more to go plus whoever they add this year)
2. Upgrade various cards of that set as the opportunity presents itself.
The tough thing for me in 2024 was that I went back to being an independent contractor. Since the month-to-month money fluctuates so much more, I've had to cut back my card spending, which kinda takes the fun out of it. I used to love being on Ebay daily searching for those elusive cards I needed. Now I barely look at all.
My main goal is to find the two cards I'm missing from the current Terry Bradshaw Master Set checklist:
Secondary goal is just to continue to add to and upgrade my Clemente Master set. I just hit 50% to finish out 2024.
Slow down.
Live long, and prosper.
Sell off some items that I just keep in storage that are just... "there". AFTER that, pick up a couple of things that I would more happily display.
1. Jackie Robinson card.
2. Mattingly Bat
3. Couple of more autographed Yankee balls.
"Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul. You've got to run like an antelope out of control."
I'm done grading cards. PSA has absolutely ruined this aspect of the hobby for me. I'm looking to sell off 99% of my collection to put towards 5 blue chips.
Grade my Rickey rookie cause that's what Rickey would want
Collect 5 autographed cards of Nolan Ryan
Organize and downsize. Sub some oddball items to PSA.
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
You probably already are aware of this, but for those who might not be. You can send items into to the Nolan Ryan Foundation for signature. It does take a few months but it runs like clockwork. Cards were $75 last time I sent some in. I always add an additional check to the foundation in my order. Good luck.
2025 will be my year of SGC!
1) Multiple NON-Sports SGC submissions. I love their slabs and since I don't sell cards i've no concern with lower sale value.
2) Pickup more Pre-War Vintage Baseball in SGC holders.
Now that SGC is part of Collector's Society and a PSA sibling hope that is safe to say here!
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
I’ll be dipping my toe too.
I have not sent cards in for grading for several years now. I did, however, start to purchase cards in SGC holders this year. The holders are really solid and I like the black contrast against white bordered cards.
My goal this year is to finally add a 1971 Joe Greene PSA 8 to my collection. Never thought this card would be so hard to find.
I've got the weirdest goal of all of you! Hope to find a full 1987 OPC Baseball Sticker ALBUM box to finish my 150+ 1980s full box collection. Somebody needs to make a coffee table book of pictures of 1980s retail boxes, they soon will be lost to history. Very colorful.
Try to finish my signed 1986-87 Fleer set:
I am down to 2 (Dan Roundfield and Jordan), Bol was one of 2 pickups this year
Try to make progress on my signed 1983-84 Star Set (222/277); 50 left.
Autograph sets are no joke. Good luck completing those.
What an incredible collection!
As I've done in 2023 and 2024, I plan to sell more than I buy. I will sell off the few player duplicates I have left. I will sell cards from the 80's with high grades and buy them back cheaply in lower grades. I will be very picky with my purchases looking for excellent centering and eye appeal. I will question every card in my collection.....why do I own it, do I still want it, or do I want to impove on it with a better card. I currently have about 1,450 graded cards. I'd like to get that down to about 1,200 by the end of 2025. Yes, there are some cards I can never part with, like my Ernie Banks RC or my 69 Gale Sayers.

Nice Banks and Sayers…
Please share a pic of your collection! Sounds awesome!
Does the $75 qualify as a tax deduction?
Yes…grading fees are added to the cost of the card.
I like the idea of downsizing. Most of my collection was self-submitted and the hobby paid for itself by selling off cards to pay for grading & purchases. IMO, it's no longer cost efficient to purchase cards for grading. I have a few "holes" I'd like to fill but really won't put much effort into finding them and ebay is mostly a gallery of overpriced items.
I’m not a CPA but I do recall discussing purchases from 501c organizations as being not tax deductible. If you were to donate them to another charitable organization then you could deduct the purchase price. I believe the distinction is based on “personal use”.
Continue on my MLB hall of fame relic