The National Coin Album Binders, Invented by John Schade, The National Blank Book Co., Date of Logos

Formerly I made this collage of the logos inside of the Large Binders of Wayte Raymond National Coin Albums
And more recently, I figured out how to determine the manufacturing date of the binders by looking at the National logo that’s stamped inside the front cover of the coin album binders. I looked up the logo’s legal documents at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website and also found dated advertisements which included their current logo/trademark in the ads of magazines like Office Appliances which are available online at
I still need to determine if there are identifying sub-variants of the Art Deco style logo that’s was used from the end of 1930 to 1963.
But here’s how I was able to piece together the dates of the logos, by researching the National Blank Book Company.
I researched the logos and found they were the trademark of The National Blank Book Company. Wayte Raymond bought the Patent rights of the coin album pages/boards with the clear slides in them from Martin L. Beistle, but instead of using the covers that Beistle had been using, he upgraded the albums by using the patented Ring Binders invented by John Schade at the National Blank Book Company. Below is an Excerpt from the book “National Blank Book Company / Through One Hundred Years 1843-1943 1st Edition” that describes the ring binder and mechanism that John Schade Invented
And here is one of the patents involved
And here is a picture of Mr. Schade along with some other executives of the company
His son Frank Stanley Schade followed in his father’s footsteps and also was in R&D at the company. He did a lot of work to make the binder material strong, and even patented some of the materials and called it “Stanite” after his middle name Stanley
With the fathers binder ring mechanisms and the sons binder materials, the company was able to make it through the depression with the creative marketing of innovative custom binders which is what Wayte Raymond used for the National Coin Album covers. Here’s info from the same book describing the custom “Special Order” products
The company also helped the war effort in WWII and stopped making binders for a while to focus on making gun parts
Well, that’s enough for tonight. Tomorrow I’ll show some interesting details from some of the binders themselves
That is a nice collection of albums! Looks like they stack very well!
wow, great that the cover box is strong enough to support many above it. I am assuming many of those have coins.
I have many Wayte Raymond albums full or partially full of coins, but the ones in the picture above don’t have any coins in them presently, I pulled most of the pages out too, because I’m focusing now on researching the binders themselves to see if I can figure out anything. Heres what I figured out so far.
In David Lange’s book “The National Coin Album & Related Products of Beistle, Raymond & Meghrig (Coin Collecting Albums: A Complete History & Catalog Volume One)” he included the following 2 pages describing the small sized albums.

He noticed that the binder mechanisms had the following stamped on the earliest versions

He doesn’t mention that the large binders ever had that stamped on their binder mechanisms and he didn’t mention this again anywhere else. Heres what I found when I looked at some of my binders. I found that the early albums that have the denomination printed on their covers all have that polygon stamped on the binder mechanisms. Here’s a few examples

But I also found the same polygon stamp on the early large size binders mechanisms too, here’s an example

And I also just recently did some searches on eBay for other Vintage National Blank Book Company products and found that Ledgers from the same time period had binders that looked very similar to the small sized National Coin Album binders and I also found that the most common Custom National Blank Book Company binders from that same time period were College Binders. The Ledgers were stock products for the company, but the College binders and the National Coin Album binders were custom products. Heres what I found on one of the National college binders:

And on one of the National Blank Book Company’s stock accounting Ledgers I found the following:
The Ledger above shows for sure that the “polygon” stamp is the outline of the art deco National Eagle logo. A later very similar Ledger has the actual art deco logo and doesn’t have anything stamped on the binder mechanisms
So, what I’m thinking is that the binders that used John Schade’s binder ring mechanism that have the springs and ball bearings in the following patent, the one that the book excerpt in from the 100 year anniversary book I included earlier in this thread refers to, had the trademark logo stamped onto their metal while the patent was active. There were other patents involved after this one, but this appears to be the main pivotal patent that allowed National Blank Book Company to have its own patent and not have to pay royalties to other companies that had patents on more primitive types of ring binders. Heres the patent:

There are many more other patents after this one where John Schade and his son continued to make small improvements, but the patent above seems to be the main one.
Well, that’s enough for today. When I get a chance I’ll ad some more info that happened during WWII