Pcgs special Mexican labels different holder question
Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
I have recently purchased some Mexican coins that are certified by pcgs but the holder looks extremely different.
See the pictures. Any idea why they made these?
I assume that the reverse insert isn't a sticker placed onto the slab, but is actually within the interior of the slab. As such, I have never seen this, but the cert number comes up with the correct information. If this is legitimate then this is an example of the myriad slab iterations that I do not like from the TPGs because they cause confusion within the marketplace. If you had come up to me at a show and offered this coin to me I would have declined even if I were interested because I wouldn't be certain it was a legitimate PCGS slab.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
The holder shows the symbol in the bottom corner that it should be chipped. Scan it and see.
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This is among the special labels available for Mexican coinage. One of the people at PCGS designed them. He posted about it on Instagram and PCGS had it on their page too.
Thank you @U1chicago , that answers the question . Very odd they put the reverse of the coin with the pcgs information on the bottom. I only ask pcgs why😀
Yes @TomB it was confusing to me at a show. I had some chop mark 8 reales that I sold to another dealer. He never saw that type of holder and he specializes in Mexican coinage, I told him incorrectly that I thought perhaps it was graded in Hong Kong pcgs. But now seeing other Mexican coinage that would not of ended up in China, I was puzzled.
For future reference, it looks like there were three of these labels.
Source: https://www.instagram.com/pcgscoin/p/C5UQ4puvuH0/?img_index=1
Edited to add the explanatory commentary from the IG post. Same source as the images (above).
They do the same thing with US coins: reverse forward and/or PCGS info on the bottom.