CACG Slabs (how are they shaking out in the market price wise ?)

Seeing more and more CACG slabs. Was wondering are they ( in general) pricing like PCGS? Like NGC? In between? Curious since they have been out for awhile now
Seeing more and more CACG slabs. Was wondering are they ( in general) pricing like PCGS? Like NGC? In between? Curious since they have been out for awhile now
I like their slabs and the additional grading and registry options. As far as price, I don't know an easy way to check a large number of them. It may matter is classic or modern, not sure.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Greysheet price guide for CAC coins can be used for CACG coins. Readily available.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Collectors who are participating in the NGC or PCGS registry programs are less likely to be interested in buying CACG graded coins.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I was thinking the OP question was more asking about actual comparable auction pricing for the same coin, same grade, and maybe same year of sale, not so much guide values. PCGS guides do not even include sales at GC which is now a huge market so comparing with Greysheet is variable, at best.
For example, if we compare recent actual sales, not asking, prices of an NGC 70 vs PCGS 70 vs CACG 70 for 2024 flowing hair gold. Is there any additional market premium being paid for CACG vs PCGS vs NGC, or not.
I think it is generally accepted that PCGS coins do get a bit more than NGC in many examples at least in modern coins. Have enough CACG graded directly comparable coins been graded and sold to make an educated guess on their results?
It is generally accepted that a CAC stickered coin will get a higher sale price. Since they don't sticker many moderns, would it logically follow a CACG graded coin would be worth a little more due to their different grading standards?
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
From what I have seen CACG prices are on par or higher than similar graded PCGS coins.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I have only been a tire kicker for CACG coins, but the pirces i've seen were strong.
Not to hijack the thread, but has anyone had experience grading or selling error coins with CACG? I just joined and submitted a coin for a friend and I was very happy with both the service and the cost, as their fee for error attribution is just $15/coin. The coin was sold before it was submitted so I would love feedback on how the market is treating them as well.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
I’ve bought maybe a dozen or so, all IHC’s & gold types. I like the look, the slabs & the grading standards they seem to use. It seems the prices paid are a bit higher than other TPG’s. Even though I’m strictly a PCGS Registry set devotee at this time, it doesn’t stop me from buying what I think is a nice CACG example.
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
My take: Certainly stronger in general than unstickered PCGS coins but not sure where they stack against stickered PCGS.
LIZ Coggan and Seth and the team at Witter would be good people to answer as they are two dealers who seem to have submitted a lot of coins to CACG.
"Look up, old boy, and see what you get." -William Bonney.
Don’t like the slab (way it feels/looks)= won’t buy them.
People get fussy (and with good reason) happy holidays
Really like the CACG slabs. There seems to be a smart, savvy group of new investors realizing the market potential of them, stepping up to pay the money.
CACG slabs showing strong demand especially retail from bourse. Sell a number of them at each show setup at. Really strong retail sales on them lately. CACG coins trade around CPG for CAC which is based on CDN bid for CAC. Of course really PQ low pop Cacg material can go for more especially for single digit pop I have found. Do currency and other Coin TPG too. Once the holidays are over plan submissions to our hosts (some nice raw material picked up).
PCGS and NGC coins are close to each other overall, there are some series' that one or the other seems better at. With CACG, and having no experience with them or CAC at all, it seems logical that the prices might be better. Collectors or Dealers probably assume that since CAC has been evaluating PCGS/NGC coins that they will naturally be better at grading coins. I don't think that's necessarily true.
I PM'ed you.
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
Question if you don't mind:
For the IHCs, are they MS or PR? Are they toned?
I remember after CAC started up, JA and I had a chat about PR IHCs that were toned and he told me he was pretty hard on them; depending on the toning of course.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
@Bochiman: I buy MS IHC’s, no PR. Toning isn’t essential, but I do like examples that seem to be “natural” if they are. CACG does have an added feature over PCGS that I really like, and that’s they will label varieties that aren’t in cherrypickers. I’m somewhat of a variety hunter, so that aspect is a big deal for me as a collector.
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
I need all my slabs to be shaped the same and fit into the same boxes. Maybe I’m more than just a little autistic. I would definitely buy the right coin in a CACG holder but most of what I’ve seen is in actually inferior to similarly graded coins in the area that I collect.
Empty Nest Collection
Matt’s Mattes
Do CACG slabs fit into PCGS boxes?
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
No, the CACG slabs that I have received do not fit. They (CACG) are working on a box that will hold all types. Not sure the release date.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
For me it doesn't matter since all my coins go into Intercept Tech boxes.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
Anyone have any idea how CACG does compared to CACG Legacy?
I use Lighthouse wooden display boxes. Great for all slabs. Need room tho.
Your post is a little confusing to me, please clarify the following part for me renomedphys.
" but most of what I’ve seen is in actually inferior to similarly graded coins in the area that I collect."
These are pretty good, and they hold any slab. Downside is that they don't have the taps on the inside so you need to use rubber bands to keep closed in transport if they're not sitting right side up.
As far as the OP topic, prices are driven mostly by the number of potential buyers so PCAC still rules the roost. As of now, CACG slabs limit buyer pool because of the registry, slab preferences, and brand loyalty among other things. I've bought plenty of great coins in CACG slabs that would have likely cost me more in a PCAC holder, so I think it may be a good opportunity to buy some great coins without having "all of the money".
Founder- Peak Rarities
Okay here goes: It would seem that there are a lot more coins certified by PCGS so purely by numbers I think I’m more likely to find coins I like in PCGS holders. The best coins have been ending up in PCGS holders for a whole lot longer. IMO the only way for “the best coins” to end up at CAC would be for them to have been crossed or cracked from a PCGS holder in hopes of an upgrade. Crossing over seems unlikely, so maybe crack outs? Either way just looking at the pop reports for a given issue CAC just hasn’t had the same volume of exposure yet for the coins that really matter.
Also, maybe I’m just more attracted to what PCGS calls a certain grade than what CAC does for what I collect, which is copper. There is a lot I could say on this but I really shouldn’t. Suffice it to say that I haven’t always agreed with particular stickering decisions since CAC was launched with regard to copper, often finding stickered coppers that are definitively LQ, and other times unable to obtain a sticker for what I and others would say is justifiable.
I hope that clears that up 😊
Empty Nest Collection
Matt’s Mattes
The bugaboo is anything will fit into anything if you jam or push or squeeze hard enough.
I tried to get my 5 oz ATB pucks into a PCGS box. I had to melt them into s liquid and pour them in...
Wish I had thought of that idea for my Shipwreck gold 1857-S Double Eagle slab with gold flecks. Instead, I sold it
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
Thanks everyone for their responses ( even the ones unrelated to my question
I have a better idea now where they stand relative to PCGS and NGC
I like CACG slabs and prices in the series I collect are very strong. I love CAC because they have the best graders, service, and the best registry by far. Build it and they will come.
I tried to crack out a CACG coin in a large shredder but I didnt grab it quick enough and it shredded the whole thing.
Ouch! Did the coin survive?
My effort in humor at times needs refinement. It's an art not a science.
A bit off the subject...
I have a double eagle slabbed in an NGC holder.
Didn't notice a crack on the side of the slab when I sent the the coin to CAC. The coin received a green sticker.
In the past in a similar situation, I sent the coin to the grading company to get reholdered and then sent the coin to CAC To get restickered.
Forgetting costs.... (probably an $8000 coin) etc.... Am i better off going the same route with this coin or sending the coin to CACG to be regraded (prob will not improve on the grade).
If you are keeping the coin for the long run, definitely send it to CACG.
Nope - Don’t think so but bought some of the new slab boxes (finally on the market) online that take all 5 of the TPG accepted by eBay - sweet. Now my old Teletrade slab boxes take CACG too.
My inventory on excel has sections for each of those 5 TPG. I keep columns for CPG, CDN Bid also.
I have listed and sold a handful of CACG coins. They seem to be a tougher sale than PCGS CAC stickered coins. I don't have enough sample size but I think they are selling for between PCGS and PCGS+CAC sticker pricing. They do seem to take longer to sell as I think there are fewer collectors wanting them.
I see no benefit in going through the hassle and spending the time to send it back to NGC to get reholdered, at which pointy then have to send it back for sticking. While CACG might not prevail over PCAC at this time, It certainly wouldn't sell for less than NGC CAC (excluding the early fatties). The turnaround time is quick, and you just have to send the coin to one location one time, then you're good to go. If Anything, the clear plastic and better optical clarity will make the coin look much nicer, and you'll get great photos!
Founder- Peak Rarities
This ^^^^
Try crossing the coin at the same grade with PCGS and send the coin back to CAC for a sticker. This route would be more expensive and there’s no guarantee it will cross at PCGS but you would maximize the coins value if successful.
Agreed, I actually meant to add that in via “I’ you DO want to put yourself through the basket, or several, you might as well try pcgs firsrst where there’s probably upside. For me anything over 5k at lest gets a shot at least once.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Not a trader here. Sent all my CAC coins in scratched or chipped holders to CACG. They look nice and are now “conserved”. If my heirs want to try to optimize value, I’ll let them screw around with them.
I emailed CAC just the other day about their boxes, and here's their reply:
Thank you for contacting CAC Customer Care. We recently received our supply of CAC storage boxes, and bulk/dealer orders returned after 1/1/25 should have the submission items returned in these boxes. The boxes will be available for purchase through a third party after 1/1/25. As a dealer account, I am sure you will be notified of when, where, and how to purchase them shortly. Thank you for your inquiry, and have a nice day!
Thanks for the update @nencoin for the update. Now I am hoping my current submission stalls a little and I get one of the new boxes.
Happy Holidays to all of you at NEN (Chris, Tom, Brian, Mike, Frank and Marne).
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
You're welcome. And Happy Holidays to you!
I recently saw a You Tube video where certain dealers were irate, accusing CAC of returning to 1986 grading standards, and basically saying they can't afford to have all their crossovers returned as "cleaned" by CAC, so they wont submit to them anymore. Most of the coins were circulated type silver such as Seated coinage that appeared to be unhairlined but dove grey and acceptable to PCGS but not to CAC.
Commems and Early Type
Actually, the CACG holder will fit into a standard PCGS box. You have to put it diagonally into two slots, and it fits fine with the top on. If I had a whole bunch I would want a better solution.
That's because there's a false belief or refusal to accept the fact that the TPGs do not use the same standards. This is fine, it's not a bad thing. But now it's incumbent on dealers and collectors to understand the differences and buy/sell accordingly.
I never understood the logic of sending in to a tougher grader via crackout from the market accepted grader.
I get the bean but cracking?
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Yep. I don't understand the appeal of a service that (assuming an even distribution across the grading spectrum, intentionally and by policy misgrades about 1/3 of coins.