@jmski52 said:
If the above is all true, the question remains - what should back the currency? What we have right now isn't >working.
It's working FINE. We don't need a metal -- whose own worth is dubious -- "backing" the dollar.
The Dollar is the greatest currency on the face of the Earth and in its history. Our large, liquid, transparent financial markets -- including bond and money markets -- sets us apart. NOBODY can replicate what we provide....NOBODY.
If some of you ever managed billions of dollars...and had to do a Fed Wire transaction at 2:58 PM with a 3 PM cut-off....you'd already know this.
@jmski52 said:
If the above is all true, the question remains - what should back the currency? What we have right now isn't >working.
It's working FINE. We don't need a metal -- whose own worth is dubious -- "backing" the dollar.
The Dollar is the greatest currency on the face of the Earth and in its history. Our large, liquid, transparent financial markets -- including bond and money markets -- sets us apart. NOBODY can replicate what we provide....NOBODY.
If some of you ever managed billions of dollars...and had to do a Fed Wire transaction at 2:58 PM with a 3 PM cut-off....you'd already know this.
Can't beat the backing of a printing press. . . until you run out of paper. LOL The US has been debasing it's currency since it removed its gold backing. Default is being slowly "managed" so that it remains unnoticed.
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) better known as the magic money tree.
"It could be that a lot of those things don't count. In other words, that some of that stuff that we're finding is very fraudulent, therefore maybe we have less debt than we thought."
All of those 401Ks & 60/40 plans and structured portfolios now depend entirely on more money being created in larger and larger amounts. It's already too late to avoid a major crash for any assets based on debt creation by gov.com. The interest payments and unfunded liabilities have already gone exponential.
The Treasury should be issuing the currency, not a small, tight-knit trade group of special interest private bankers. End the Fed.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
@jmski52 said:
All of those 401Ks & 60/40 plans and structured portfolios now depend entirely on more money being created in larger and larger amounts. It's already too late to avoid a major crash for any assets based on debt creation by gov.com. The interest payments and unfunded liabilities have already gone exponential.
The Treasury should be issuing the currency, not a small, tight-knit trade group of special interest private bankers. End the Fed.
Yawn. As the saying goes, get with the program or get left in the dust. THKS!
@jmski52 said:
All of those 401Ks & 60/40 plans and structured portfolios now depend entirely on more money being created in >larger and larger amounts. It's already too late to avoid a major crash for any assets based on debt creation by >gov.com. The interest payments and unfunded liabilities have already gone exponential.
The Treasury should be issuing the currency, not a small, tight-knit trade group of special interest private bankers. >End the Fed.
Yeah, beauracrats in The Treasury represent The People but the Fed doesn't.
You anti-Fed know-nothings should tell us how much you make each year on your investments. It's easy to post bull**** here....put your $$$ where your mouths are.
You can blame "debt" all you want but the costs are visible and paid via the rising interest we pay (about 3% of GDP). There is no crash coming based on "debt creation" no matter how many times you say it.
When or IF trouble does hit, we'll muddle through as we have always done. Your doom-and-gloom stuff is just preventing you from making $$$.
It ain't just your imagination. Sometimes, when crypto goes up, folks pull money out of metals like gold and silver to throw into digital assets, and that can cause metals to drop. It doesn’t always happen like that, though. Both markets can have their own cycles, but if you're seeing this happen often, it could be a sign of where people are shifting their money.> @TwoSides2aCoin said:
Or is this just my imagination ?
Nah, you ain’t just imaginin’ things. When crypto’s takin’ off, a lot of folks shift their money outta metals tryin’ to ride the wave. That can push gold and silver prices down a bit.
But here’s the deal—gold and silver ain’t goin’ anywhere. They’ve got real, tangible value, while crypto’s still a gamble. We’ve seen before how fast the crypto market can crash, and when it does, folks come runnin’ back to metals for safety.
So yeah, in the short run, they might move opposite, but long-term? That’s a whole different ballgame. What do y’all think? Just a fluke, or is there somethin’ to it?
that's why you hold both of them. I believe they have a word for that.
That word isn't diversification.
It's working FINE. We don't need a metal -- whose own worth is dubious -- "backing" the dollar.
The Dollar is the greatest currency on the face of the Earth and in its history. Our large, liquid, transparent financial markets -- including bond and money markets -- sets us apart. NOBODY can replicate what we provide....NOBODY.
If some of you ever managed billions of dollars...and had to do a Fed Wire transaction at 2:58 PM with a 3 PM cut-off....you'd already know this.
God bless the USD. RGDS!
Can't beat the backing of a printing press. . . until you run out of paper. LOL The US has been debasing it's currency since it removed its gold backing. Default is being slowly "managed" so that it remains unnoticed.
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) better known as the magic money tree.
$36 trillion of transparent dollars created from nothing - what could go wrong? Sounds like a scam to me.
I knew it would happen.
Sounds like the real world to me. Digits. BOOMIN!™ THKS!
Apparently there is less debt than thought...
"It could be that a lot of those things don't count. In other words, that some of that stuff that we're finding is very fraudulent, therefore maybe we have less debt than we thought."
Give me your dollars, I'll take them off your hands.
If ones PM or crypto holdings increase in value, are they benefitting from this "scam"?
All of those 401Ks & 60/40 plans and structured portfolios now depend entirely on more money being created in larger and larger amounts. It's already too late to avoid a major crash for any assets based on debt creation by gov.com. The interest payments and unfunded liabilities have already gone exponential.
The Treasury should be issuing the currency, not a small, tight-knit trade group of special interest private bankers. End the Fed.
I knew it would happen.
Yawn. As the saying goes, get with the program or get left in the dust. THKS!
Yeah, beauracrats in The Treasury represent The People but the Fed doesn't.
You anti-Fed know-nothings should tell us how much you make each year on your investments. It's easy to post bull**** here....put your $$$ where your mouths are.
You can blame "debt" all you want but the costs are visible and paid via the rising interest we pay (about 3% of GDP). There is no crash coming based on "debt creation" no matter how many times you say it.
When or IF trouble does hit, we'll muddle through as we have always done. Your doom-and-gloom stuff is just preventing you from making $$$.
Why ? Because YOU say so ?
Who runs the Treasury, a permanant cabal of Inside The Beltway Elites ?
Anyone keeping an eye on the Bitcoin/silver ratio?
I didn't think so.
No, but I must confess I own both. RGDS!
It ain't just your imagination. Sometimes, when crypto goes up, folks pull money out of metals like gold and silver to throw into digital assets, and that can cause metals to drop. It doesn’t always happen like that, though. Both markets can have their own cycles, but if you're seeing this happen often, it could be a sign of where people are shifting their money.> @TwoSides2aCoin said:
Nah, you ain’t just imaginin’ things. When crypto’s takin’ off, a lot of folks shift their money outta metals tryin’ to ride the wave. That can push gold and silver prices down a bit.
But here’s the deal—gold and silver ain’t goin’ anywhere. They’ve got real, tangible value, while crypto’s still a gamble. We’ve seen before how fast the crypto market can crash, and when it does, folks come runnin’ back to metals for safety.
So yeah, in the short run, they might move opposite, but long-term? That’s a whole different ballgame. What do y’all think? Just a fluke, or is there somethin’ to it?
North Korea strikes again.
$1.5 billion this time.
Certainly instills confidence. Lol