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Error Coins & Error Coin Guides

ErrorCoinExpertErrorCoinExpert Posts: 1
edited December 22, 2024 12:16PM in U.S. Coin Forum

I see there are a lot of kids on here making accusations that what I am saying is not correct, or the intent is to ban books, and so forth. If you want to read a book filled with inaccuracies, misleading statements be my guest, go on Amazon and buy one of these books.

I was trying to be helpful. I am not posting with here again with little kids.

I have over 6200 views on YouTube with 94% likes - The video is restricted to over 18.

I am amazed at the lack of control Amazon has over the books that are created with self-publishing for coins. I have purchased every book that gets into a particular category for coins and found that 99% of are inaccurate, copied from the internet, plagiarized, and misleading. Amazon allows fake bios, and fake editorials.

These books are so bad I created a YouTube video calling them out. You should be able to find Fred Wright on YouTube. Any real collector needs to read this garbage on Amazon and leave educated comments. I have also included the only legitimate authors.

How do I know? I investigate with Coin World, PCGS, NGC, ANA, CONNECA and validate everything I say.


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