Vintage Chicago Cubs Baseball pennant

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Just wondering, if anybody can tell me the exact age of this pennant.
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Just wondering, if anybody can tell me the exact age of this pennant.
Just wondering if anybody can give me the exact age of this pennant.
Terrific pennant- I would only be guessing based mainly on the font
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Is there any patent info anywhere on the pennant?
Pretty cool pennant! Being a Cubs fan for 40 years, I don't ever recall seeing a bear that scary as their logo.
If you do a web search of "1920's Era Vintage Rare Style Chicago Cubs Pennant," you'll find a logo like yours.
Thank you indy78. I did see it 1920's that'sgreat thanks again. This is a great forum.
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Hiya cc
Another take?
I recommend you walk it over to net54. From my experience, there's gonna be some pennant collectors who may be able to give you an idea of value. Good luck.
Thank you 😊