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Looking to get some opinions on this Ted Williams signature.

PipestonePetePipestonePete Posts: 1,946 ✭✭✭✭✭

Hoping to get some opinions regarding the authenticity of this Ted Williams signature on a 1957 Silver Certificate. Thanks.


  • UlyssesExtravaganzaUlyssesExtravaganza Posts: 622 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I picked this up from somebody older than me who was a kid around 1955 and had a substantial autograph collection. For this one, he explained to me that his father had some tape, maybe he ran a hardware store, where he sold tape that had a Ted Williams facsimile auto on it. So he got the auto and then put his Dad's tape on the bottom of the pic.

    It seems reasonably close. But 2 years is enough to see some changes. Mantle has a much different auto from that time period than he did years later after signing a ton of stuff. When I was researching that I remember there were ways to try to search on a player's auto from a certain year.

  • PipestonePetePipestonePete Posts: 1,946 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Unlike coins, the date printed on U.S. currency does not necessarily represent the year it was printed. The 1957-B Series were printed in early 1963 just before the Federal Reserve notes were issued. And, of course, the Silver Certificate could have been signed any time after it was issued. The only thing I know for sure is that it was certainly not signed in the 1950's.

  • swish54swish54 Posts: 708 ✭✭✭✭

    I don't like the "T." Seems too large and pointy.

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