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Disappointed with Great Collections results (and, according to many, with myself)



  • jakebluejakeblue Posts: 259 ✭✭✭

    I collect banknotes on a bank from my hometown. Recently came across an 1875 $5 upgrade. Researched, and found that I had missed out on it over the past few years. It had sold 3 times for around 3k. Rare to find, so bid and actually got it for 1600. Sent my current 1875 $5 which was several grades lower than my new one to GC. Paid 800 10 years ago for it. Started out at mid range and it returned 500 to me.

    To me, the current market provided a great upgrade at a great price, while losing a few hundred. That is a trade I will always make. Thanks GC.

    "The 2nd Protects the 1st"
  • DisneyFanDisneyFan Posts: 2,143 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @jakeblue said:
    I collect banknotes on a bank from my hometown.


  • DisneyFanDisneyFan Posts: 2,143 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @NJCoin said:

    @U1chicago said:

    I’ve seen a handful of these listings too that keep repeating at what seem like above market opening bids. Some of them have sold (with one or even a few bids) after several relistings. My guess is that these coins come from people that consign a lot or spend a lot, so there is more leeway on the opening bid.

    Probably. I'm not trying to say it is, or should be, an absolute rule.

    It's just a right they reserve. When they choose to exercise it, there is no "workaround" by simply claiming an inflated value. That's all I was trying to say.

    A seller has the right to set whatever price for anything they sell. My concern is that GC gives the impression they will not accept consignments when Minimum Bids are higher than 80% of their listed values. From my standpoint, it's a waste of time to focus on an attractive coin with a stated minimum bid only to discover after further research that the starting price is fairly unrealistic.

    At the same time there are plenty of coins on my watchlist that get bid up beyond my comfort level. But, that's part of the auction game and is OK.

  • jakebluejakeblue Posts: 259 ✭✭✭

    @DisneyFan said:

    @jakeblue said:
    I collect banknotes on a bank from my hometown.


    How did you guess that?! Not only are you a fan of Fairies, you are smart!

    "The 2nd Protects the 1st"
  • DisneyFanDisneyFan Posts: 2,143 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @jakeblue said:

    @DisneyFan said:

    @jakeblue said:
    I collect banknotes on a bank from my hometown.


    How did you guess that?! Not only are you a fan of Fairies, you are smart!

    I knew it had to be out of the ordinary and the picture gave it away. There are ten places named Custer in the USA.

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