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It's been a while- videos of a couple newps

PeakRaritiesPeakRarities Posts: 4,041 ✭✭✭✭✭

Greetings friends! As some of you may have noticed, I've been on a bit of a hiatus from coin forums and social media in general. I originally intended to take a short break, but then some personal things came up that I had to address, and after that It was deer season and I've been spending time in the woods, and with family.

In light of all that, I felt my soul starting to wither away due to a lack of coin interaction so here we are 🙃.

The first NEWP I have to share is a bit off the beaten track from my usual crust-seeking behavior, but when I first laid eyes on her, she grabbed me and wouldn't let go. I've owned some impaired proof gold, but this was my first real proof gold. A couple years ago if you had asked me, I would have been waiting for an "affordable" proof $20 with cameo contrast and original undipped color, however, those parameters limited my choices and grade preference. Clearly, my focus has been on Pioneer, but when I saw Phil's pics of this coin on GC I fell in love.

Proof gold is well known to be commonly fiddled with and "improved". Beyond the good 'ole fashioned dippy-doo that many proofs have been subjected to in pursuit of higher grades, I have heard tales of more pernicious methods, such as lasering or high heat torch. Such methods alter the surface and remove hairlines and blemishes in a way that's undetectable to most. Some characteristics to look for that indicate originality include:

  • Orange peel texture in the fields, of which I'm told will become smooth if the coin is meddled with.

    • As with any type of gold, color is your friend here. Original proof gold typically will tone a deep orange color, some haze might be present.

    • Some hairlines

Despite my previously noted affection for the $20 Lib design, the $10 Lib design has since grown on me quite a bit, and seeing it in all of its glory, rendered on a deeply patinated DCAM , made my heart melt:


This second piece found its way to me from another stellar pioneer collection a couple months ago, and I recently learned about its prior provenance when I posted the proof $10 on instagram. Coincidentally, a collector commented that he used to own the 1885, and in fact upgraded it from 4 to 4+. It's uncanny, I went to look at his profile and low and behold my 1849 Moffat was there along with 2-3 other pieces of gold that live with me now! Needless to say, this gentleman's taste is nothing short of exceptional😉

Anyway, I’ve never seen more delightful color on an 1849 Moffat, and the overall appearance of this coin is sublime. Due to the rough die state, these often come with this grainy matte texture as opposed to traditional luster, or the semi PL finish that can be seen on my 1850 Moffat. A friend and I just found ourselves in agreement that this is one instance where the 35th anniversary “fake ogh” looks perfect with this coin.

Founder- Peak Rarities


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