Mint mark out of place, or just old and worn?
I've looked at others this date, but this one looks different. The comparative coins are not pristine by any means so ya'
lls input will certainly help in the future.
Don't matter how you do it, just do it like you know it!
Those pictures show a totally normal coin.
Please try shooting the date and mint mark again.
Quite an unusual tilt on that mintmark. No, not normal level placement.
Clearer photos sure would help, that looks like an RPM, with the MM placement. If I am correct it is RPM-005 D/D CCW.
This would also explain the tilt it has.
I have never seen a mm like that, thanks for posting.
Here are, I hope better pics of the coin.

Don't matter how you do it, just do it like you know it!
Sure looks like RPM-005 to me thanks for the better photos. MM placement is correct. LC RPMs Vol 1/1958DRPM005.htm