2024-D Top Pop Cent with rinse spots - can the spots be removed?

I just got the results from a recent submission and ended up with a top pop (Pop 3) 2024-D cent. But the cent has visible spots from what I assume or believe is a rinse process used by the US mint. Does anyone know or think PCGS restoration could remove the spots? The coin would look better and add much value if the spots weren't there. Resto is probably about $30 + shipping & fees. I'm guessing if the spots are removed it would add hundreds of dollars of value.
I also don't remember seeing these spots when I submitted it but I think it's the lighting that really makes these stand out.
TV picture quality is also sub-par.
I doubt that PCGS would do anything, copper is tough to work with. Best to sell it quick as those spots will likely get worse (more noticeable) over time.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
There are 3 graded 68rd and I suspect many more will be added....sell it quick!
Sell it "as-is" as fast as you can if you already have in a top-pop level holder. Don't start attempting to improve it because the opposite may be what happens. You are talking about a zinc coin with a thin layer of copper.
Exactly what I was thinking. I've looked at the population data cents recently and only a low proportion of the counts in "68" are low for a condition census coin.
That is one terrible true view photo. Not even in focus! Yuck
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
At least the spots didn't hurt it receiving a high grade! Too bad the True View didn't turn out well. I would sell it while there are only three at that grade.
Why didn't you ask that question before submitting it?
If you didn't see the spots before submitting it............never mind.
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
@ProofCollection Ever since 2009, the Mint has had issues with these spots and it's a known issue that has to do with the chemicals the Mint uses to clean and brighten the planchets and/or finished cents. The VAST majority of people never even notice the spots. Only us geeky numismatists notice things like this. TO make a long story short, the Mint has no plans to change their procedure to appease a the numismatic community.
The ONLY way to obtain a spot-free 2009-2024 Lincoln cent is to buy or grade a proof coin! The proofs are not rinsed in the same manner as the business strikes.
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
I don't remember spots, I may have noticed them. I never submit modern coins and expect 68's although I knew this one was nice. If it came back 67 it wouldn't matter so much.