90% halves for sale in SE MI

franklin halves by the roll. full weight coins no slicks !!
20 coins per roll, 25 rolls available at spot [coinflation] plus $20 per roll play or pass
local sale only, not interested in shipping. so if you arent local to SE Mich, this ad is not applicable to you so you need not respond with any douchebaggery
I will pass. I'm not driving to Michigan to buy coins. USPS and UPS can do the driving just fine.

USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
didnt ask anyone to drive anywhere.... or troll my post hence the wording "local sale only"
If you’re not interested in shipping suggest you take it to a local dealer or local show or cuddle up you gonna own it awhile. We shop on the internet so we don’t have to drive.
I apologize you are not asking anyone to drive must mean you’re going to deliver. That could work.
there ... that may help reduce the number of trolls trying to Dbagg my post
Oh ya. Smooth move Exlax. You’ll have buyers lining up now. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
is there an adult version of this forum ?
I'm in SE Michigan and I considered contacting you. I usually can buy at melt so I didn't contact you but actually don't see any particular issue with your post. As a matter of fact, I would kind of prefer this type of deal... not sure why you're seeing all the comments. Members not interested should simply pass like I do with many over priced offers I see here all the time.
If you are able to load them up in that Vette and transport them east to The Commonwealth, I'd probably be a player at melt. THKS!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
He was Kidding...Making a Funny 🤣
often when someone responds to a post in order to advertise that they arent interested in the item for sale it misses the mark. it isnt funny.
Actualky the trolls are doing the OP a favor by keeping this thread near the top without dissing the coins.
still some here
What is overall average condition?
press one for english
Did they sell yet I am interested
15 rolls still available