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Daniel Carr Collection

I have been collecting these Daniel Carr coins for many years, and wanted to put together a dated series of my coins so everyone can see them. This may not be very impressive for a valuation compared to what some pay for other coins, but there are very few of these made, and some, or nearly all, of them have lower mintages than many coins that sell for much higher multiples. So this is a chronological listing of what I have, it is probably about 50% to 60 % of what he has made to date (my guess anyway). I passed on the highest priced items because i couldn't lock in that much (if anyone was wondering). So without further ado, here they are:

So that is the main portion of the collection by date, I hope everyone likes it! Now i wanted to add a few more pictures that show how they look as a set of smaller coins. My favorite is probably this photo of the St. Gaudens:

This one is for those who love Peace dollars:

Here is some walking halfs:

Native coins together:

Even a small set of three can look good together:

This is one of large and small mercury heads:

And let's not forget those who like Morgans:

And one last one for the times he made circulated coins that looked very old:

Well, that is all I have. Thank you for looking> :D


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