New 2025 ASE Offerings with Special Marks

Here are some interesting new products
American Eagle 2025 One Ounce Silver Proof Coin - Army
American Eagle Coins
West Point (W)
American Eagle 2025 One Ounce Silver Proof Coin - Marine Corps
American Eagle Coins
West Point (W)
American Eagle 2025 One Ounce Silver Proof Coin - Navy
American Eagle Coins
San Francisco (S)
You forgot the National Guard 😉
We're turning into Canada, numismatically.
(No offense to Canadians).
They are saving the . . . (National Guard, . . .) for 2026 !
Actually, there are EIGHT uniformed services.
The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Space Force, and Coast Guard are the six most people remember.
The other two?
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
The National Guard isn't a separate uniformed service -
The US Army National Guard which has a post near our fav bbq joint. Established in 1636, the Army National Guard is the oldest component of the U.S. Armed Forces and serves as the primary combat reserve of the U.S. Army -
And the Air National Guard - Air Force -
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
More like Liberia or Niue...
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Yes, I'm sure those are much better examples.
Although, I'm pretty sure they don't mint their own novelties, but I guess that's not really the point.
So, Canada is off the hook. For now....
Correct. They just take a fee for monetizing the trinkets. The actual minting is done by outfits like the Perth or New Zealand mints.
So, no, to the extent the US Mint is paying royalties, like with DC comics, or accepting royalties, as with the video game thingy, to make commercial products, it IS exactly like the Royal Canadian Mint.
To be honest with you, I do not mind being the 51st state, we have limited time on this earth, and if this financially benefit both sides, then why not. In Heaven we would not be called Canadians or Americans anymore.
That's troublesome to me, just saying
I love Canada 🇨🇦 as well 👍
That's right - we'd all be called North Americans.
Of course, the 51st state suggestion was just an amusing trolling of the Prime Minister, but wouldn't it be 13 new states? 🤔
Two questions, 1. where are Pics? 2. Why?
We could still call them provinces—there’s a couple of commonwealths already—the thirty-one states of Mexico the seven nations of the Greater Antilles and throw in D.C. and the four remaining territories to add 46 states to the union. Eight rows of twelve stars.
What about Cuba? Cuba could use a little federal funding right about now.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
They don't go back to 1775. It's the 250th anniversary of those 3 branches.
Just make Canada a territory.
Problem (whatever is the problem) solved
I’m not sure what that is supposed to signify. But I’d bet dollars to donuts that’s not Canada. I think we are looking at the Matterhorn. Last I checked, the Matterhorn was still in Switzerland.
Geometry is not his strong point.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Thomas Jefferson?
Hey, what about the Salvation Army?
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
Cuba, P.R. Jamaica, … Greater Antilles—
Edit—mustn’t forget the last French territory in N.A. — St.Pierre et Miquelon.
Private cult. If they want a medal they'll have to pay the mint to make it.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
We should also do colorized versions of each and of course from each mint too. For example:
Each of the below available with S, D, P, W mintmarks and second privy for New Orleans, Carson City
2025 "name the military branch" colorized
reverse proof
frosted uncirculated
Niobium plated in purple, green, blue, yellow, red
Regular Proof
Uncirculated Proof-Like
I think that would make 66 varieties for each of the military branches. That will keep the Silver Eagle collectors busy for awhile.
The stuff coming out of the US Mint was inevitable, but the US Mint selling directly to an auction house was a bridge to far for me...
If the US Mint is going to get gimmicky, let the people have a chance at their products first. Ill pass on most of it personally..
Next up could be pre-sabbed coins sold by the mint. That would certainly cut down on returns.
Or make them quit collecting them, at least for a complete set. This was the reason I and probably others stopped collecting the modern Morgan/peace dollars. If this is where the mint is headed I will be done.
Sad how many have TDS. I came here for numismatic info. Could care less for your worthless opinion besides numismatics.
Retired FD/Paramedic 1987-2021
No pictures and no description beyond coming summer of 2025
You have it wrong. They didn't "sell directly to an auction house." They are selling directly to the public. The auction house is simply running the auction on their behalf. Same as just about every lot in just about every auction.
The only bridge they crossed here is the one where they capture market premium for themself. At the auction, everyone has the exact same chance at their products first, rather than having them first pass through the hands of favored Big Boys, or people with bots.
Agree. I've suggested in the past that all limited mintage releases should be auctioned. But "true collectors" (hate that term) feel they are the ones that should have special access and pricing so they have the chance to "win". Anyone who objects to such a public auction as a means of distribution wants to personally benefit unfairly from the distribution.
I should have written "sell through" My bad, so sorry. You will be ok....
Buying from the mint everyone has a chance of buying their products at a set price and set time and date. So maybe the problem is the "bots" that set up buying parties etc... I don't know, sounds like fake news to me.. I have not seen evidence of that. Anyone care to show us how they do it?
The auction house was not picked out from a hat. They bid on the right to auction these coins. Did heritage have a shot at them? Maybe, but I really don't know or care.
And of course people want to personally benefit from their purchases, what a ridiculous thing to say.. Some flip some keep all benefit in some way or why else would they buy.
A sniveller in every crowd. Just can't ignore anything.
And they can buy... at market price rather than below market price. Every person has equal opportunity to buy. It is the most fair distribution in the history of the Mint.
Everyone wants to buy at below market price even you with your eBay stuff, how else do you make money or are you into for fun? Good God man!!
Just another Karen. Dude its a small fly speck on the windshield of life. NO Here you are... Drawing attention to yourself
I have no problems with marks, but I do not think they should be on numismatic products to make endless gimmicks. I would have privy marks on circulating coins so that anyone can find them.
Now you're just creating straw men. There is obviously a difference between wholesale and retail markets. You have essentially ceded my point in trying to create a counterpoint. Your original complaint was that "the people" should have a chance not that "the people" should buy wholesale. This is the fairest possible retail distribution.
I'm fine with your suggestion. They should stop selling retail coins and simply distribute wholesale in monster boxes. It would be much more efficient for them without needing to bother with individual packaging. Collectors who want only one can then buy them at market price from one of the big distributors or buy 500 and sell the extra 499. Excellent suggestion, my man, you've helped make government more efficient. We should contact DOGE with this suggestion.
The fact is that you are complaining that they are doing retail distribution (which you want) at retail prices (which you don't want). All non- collecting taxpayers have no interest in creating a government subsidized profit center for collectors.
Many collectors also don't want unlimited mintages to protect the price of the coins. That leaves those collectors making the selfish argument that the Mint make limited edition collectibles that they can buy at below market prices. In other words, they want both preferential access and preferential pricing. That's fine. Greed is human. But you can't pretend that is more fair than what the Mint is doing. The Mint created a very low mintage, desirable coin and gave EVERY collector EQUAL access to it.
Canada has the 8th largest nickel reserve.
They also have the world's largest nickel.
Not an absolute. There are instances in auction settings where buying fever pushes pricing skyward. Especially among higher volume sellers.
Also high publicity for limited edition items can create false demand. We will see what happens on the 230 privy gold. Revisiting in a couple years time will be revealing.
While that's true, I would argue that "market price" shouldn't be judged by future value. Auctions establish price in that snapshot of time. But, to be fair, every sale in every format is also a snapshot in time subject to similar deviations: did you just get along tax refund, is the lighting on the bourse making the coin look better, so you like/ loathe the seller, etc.
The same kind of variations, by the way, perturbed prices during traditional Mint releases. FOMO. Impatience. Gambling on demand. Perception of rarity. Etc. There's a reason why the price of Mint products don't hold up over time.
@jmlanzaf You must be a lot of fun at parties... I did "ced your point" You are changing the argument, pivoting and putting words like "straw men" in my mouth. I'm not my suggesting anything. They are doing "retail distribution" just not with this coin ..So far... And do not speak for all collectors, that's very arrogant.. You seem to know a lot about greed also... The Mint does what the Mint does and has been doing long before I was around. This US Mint action is entirely unfair and that's my gut feeling... I disagree with you entirely and that's that.
This is retail distribution. How is the auction not a retail environment?
Should probably read "collectors " as "many collectors". Obviously, i don't think all collectors feel the same. Some do want unlimited mintages... or think they do, until they see the long term price consequences.
I understand you don't like it. That is very different than "unfair". Can you drop the "unfair"? It's really hard to make a case that a public auction, advertised through a large house that allows bidding anytime in the two weeks prior to the sale is "unfair". You have the same opportunity to buy as me or John Albanese or Apmex. How is that "unfair"?
Selling them between 12:00 and 12:10 is unfair. Some people work and can't line up. Your internet might be slower or flakier than mine. Etc.
I will ignore the three subtle insults as I know you don't really mean them.
Nice Images for the 2025 Marines Coins - Proof looks very cool !
Yes! The 390th anniversary!🧐
You neglected to mention the THOUGHT POLICE
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members