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Never fully trust a slab label for a description. Cheerios Dollars NGC Labels are an example.

As discussed, multiple times, grading companies will correct labels. I prefer having labels that are not consistent. It shows AI has not completely taken over the business.

A label error may not be a mistake. At the time, the description may have been correct. Later discoveries may create a situation where a previous label is considered a description error.

Regardless of a label, a coin is what it is.

For standardization, I will state the Cheerios "Prototype" and "Pattern" variety are the same, a late 1999 variety with fine detailed tail feathers.

Further, there were a few 2000 business strikes without the fine detailed feathers used to complete the 5,500 dollar promotional offer. I will refer to these non-fine detailed coins as 2000 Business Strikes. In my opinion, they are rare when labeled as a Cheerios Dollar.

Consider the labels of the following six NGC graded coins. Other graders have the same problem with these varieties. See the picture.

Left to right is:

  1. CHEERIOS PROMOTION MS 65. 5893455-001 This is a 2000 Business Strike.
  2. CHEERIOS PROMOTION REGULAR REVERSE MS 66. 6353161-002 This is also a 2000 Business Strike.

In the case of the newer slab, coin 2, the use of "Regular" is introduced. NGC is apparently using the term "Regular" for the 2000 Business Strike.

  1. The third coin from left is an older slab, predating 1 and 2. It is simply labeled "2000 P PATTERN $1 MS67 3004230-001. It is a 1999 Pattern, fine detail variety.

4 and 5. The fourth coin and the one above it are labeled the same as coin number 2. "Regular Reverse" terms are used on all three yet both the MS 68 coins (4 and 5) are 1999 Patterns with fine detailed feathers.

LOL. Now "Regular" seems to describe the 1999 Pattern coins. It appears these should be labeled Pattern or at least Prototype.

Finally, the sixth coin, is labeled CHEERIOS PROMOTION PROTOTYPE REVERSE MS69. 8163673-001

It is the latest to be slabbed, the label uses both "Promotion" and "Prototype" in the description. It is a 1999 coin with fine details.

I have noticed other grading companies using inconsistent labels on Cheerios Dollars.

My point is you have to know your coin varieties. Coin 3, the earliest of the group does not have "Cheerios" on the label. In this case, a mislabeled coin may be a buying opportunity. An unschooled person may not see this coin as a Cheerios Dollar, thinking it is just another Sac. $1


  • MWallaceMWallace Posts: 4,144 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Label descriptions sometimes change over time. I see nothing wrong with any of the ones pictured in the OP.

  • Cheerios dollars are grrrreeeeeat! oh wait, different cereal brand, nonetheless :)

  • IkesTIkesT Posts: 3,199 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @MWallace said:
    Label descriptions sometimes change over time. I see nothing wrong with any of the ones pictured in the OP.

    As the OP pointed out, the label "regular reverse" was applied both to the normal business strike reverse and the rare "pattern" reverse; that's a huge problem.

    Here's the NGC cert page for one of the OP examples, labeled "regular reverse", but the coin very clearly has the rare "pattern" reverse:


  • MWallaceMWallace Posts: 4,144 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @IkesT said:

    @MWallace said:
    Label descriptions sometimes change over time. I see nothing wrong with any of the ones pictured in the OP.

    As the OP pointed out, the label "regular reverse" was applied both to the normal business strike reverse and the rare "pattern" reverse; that's a huge problem.

    Here's the NGC cert page for one of the OP examples, labeled "regular reverse", but the coin very clearly has the rare "pattern" reverse:

    Clearly a so-called "Mechanical Error". NGC will fix it on their dime.

  • jacrispiesjacrispies Posts: 953 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @bakeandshake said:
    Cheerios dollars are grrrreeeeeat! oh wait, different cereal brand, nonetheless :)

    Silly rabbit, Cheerios dollars are for kids! ;)

    "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Young fellow suffering from Bust Half fever.
    BHNC #AN-10
    JRCS #1606

  • dennis5151dennis5151 Posts: 22 ✭✭✭

    @jacrispies said:

    @bakeandshake said:
    Cheerios dollars are grrrreeeeeat! oh wait, different cereal brand, nonetheless :)

    Silly rabbit, Cheerios dollars are for kids! ;)

    Silly Bakeandshake... Every kid knows cheerios are for inserting into your nose to blow perfectly round snot bubbles.

  • dennis5151dennis5151 Posts: 22 ✭✭✭

    On the serious side, I will be posting a new thread on these.

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