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Wisconsin Extra Leaf Quarters. Happy Twentieth Birthday. Happy Thanksgiving !!

It was 20 years ago on Thanksgiving weekend that a short run of each of the " Flawed " Wisconsin Denver Mint State Quarters were minted. Some made it into two different large Ballistic Mint Bags. One bag shipped to Arizonia and one to the Branch Federal Reserve facility in San Antonio , Tx. This was a great delight to a few " in the know " coin collectors and dealers who were living in the two states back in 2004/2005.. After the Denver Mint realized the many die manipulated coins were minted, the Mint workers destroyed regular and flawed coins that had been mixed together. I was told as far back as 2009 that many Wisconsin D Quarters have destoyed. 50,000 Extra Leaf Quarters may have been minted, but how many were destroyed ? Food for Thought on a grateful Thanksgiving Holiday . These two quarters and the 2004 D Extra Ear Dime continue to have a bright future. Today and years to come !!

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