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Finally Completed My Quarter Eagle Set

Hi Everyone and Happy Thanksgiving! I just thought I would share a picture of my recently completed quarter eagle set in PCGS AU58.

I started this set about 5 years ago with the purchase of the 1914 CAC. After that I started picking up coins in 58 and about 3/4 of the way through the set I decided to do it in CAC all the while keeping my eye out for + grades (these do pop up, however they have been going for 3-4x money so I have had to let them go)

Most of the coins were either purchased at coins shows or at GC/HA.

I will still be on the hunt to add the 1914d into CAC and also the 11d l, however I do not want to pay an extra 1K for the sticker on it.

Happy Holidays Forum!!!


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