Singapore Famous Smile Lions Kings $1 Dollars Platinum Diamonds Silver Coins Extremely Rares

Singapore Famous Smile Lions Kings $1 Dollars Platinum Diamonds Silver Coins
Bright White Starlights Chrome Surfaces
Cartwheels effect Shining Lustre Shade
New discovery of the centuries for sure and certainly unique for the coins and numismatic breakthrough Super gem brilliant new condition Mints state seventy for perfect ratings and for the reals Highest number grade as finest known Extremely Rares one in existence
Selling for $300000 and the price is negotiable to you make bests offers for the consideration
Serious buyers you are welcome to write reply me with your highest prices returns back to you later there
Is yours famous because its worth more then the $3.75 I can get it for on ebay ? How much gold, diamonds and platinum are you including with this?
Those Lions Coins That are selling on the website are considered Circulated worst condition without shining lustre surfaces exactly like the piece selling over here you cannot compare for those rubbish with mine which is in high grade for sure there
Please stop this nonsense. You are not fooling anyone at this site.