Did PCGS get this one right? 1927-S Peace Dollar
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I thought rather than do a GTG I'd just ask outright, did PCGS grade this one correctly at MS62 Or is it worth a shot at crackout resubmission for MS63?
Interesting one. It's not like there's a massive jump from 2 to 3 or anything that would give the graders pause in that regard. Always tough to see everything just from pictures, but it looks like it could go 3 on any given day.
From what I can see, it looks like maybe there were concerns over some of the flat details on the hair and that odd scratch looking mark on the reverse above "peace" on the eagle's mound?
Looks like that circular scratch on the reverse eagle’s perch could be the limiting factor accounting for the 62 grade, IMO.
In cases like this there might very well be light hairlines going across the coin that the image did not pick up.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Cannot tell if that is a die crack or scratch on the rev. There seems enough minor "busyness" combined with a weak obv strike and what seems muted obv luster to account for the current grade.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I would say it’s a solid quality (if not high end) 62 and agree with our hosts grade. In MS 62 - CDN CPG is $550 and $850 in 63. I just don’t see it as an $850 coin. If it’s PQ for 62 then maybe a $650 - $700 coin (pricing). I would need to see in hand to really make that determination.
It appears to be a PQ 62 but not a 63 IMO.
Did it CAC?
Yes, but I would have believed 63 also.
My gut said 62 before I looked at the grade, so I believe it’s fairly graded.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
I would've guessed 63.
If you like it, keep it. If not, let someone else pay for the crackout as the difference in monetary value isn’t that much (and you would still have to find a buyer at the elevated price).
If you don't mind potentially burning $50 and waiting a few months there's no harm in trying. I certainly don't see it downgrading from 62.
Collector, occasional seller
I was leaning 63 myself, must be something we cant see in photo
United looks pretty weak. Otherwise nice coin. Solid 62 maybe 63, but I would leave it as is.
As someone who's put together a couple of sets, 1927-S is handily underrated at MS-63. I feel like price guides do not properly reflect the difficulty of getting a nice example of this well-produced date.
On the web: http://www.earlyus.com
Unless there is a bunch of hairlines we cant see in the trueview I could definitely see this in a 63 holder. Usually the eagles feathers are pretty flat. As someone else said attractive 27-S coins are not that easy to find.
Looks a tad bit scruffy but accurately graded. I have the damnedest time trying to grade Peace dollars. Unless it’s a well struck luster-bomb or has un-scuffed, original skin, Peace dollars seem to fall anywhere between 55 and 63.
Edited to add: after looking at yours, my MS63 isn’t as nice as your 62.
"Bongo hurtles along the rain soaked highway of life on underinflated bald retread tires."
I don't see anything on the reverse that would limit the grade to 62.
Obverse looks a little dull and a gash above the G is all I see. It's pretty nice for the year.
Definitely looks at least one point better than 62.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
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