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PCGS Missed Another Variety #1

I received my latest PCGS order, and PCGS missed another variety (again). But - let me know what you think. I submitted a 1939-P nickel for the DDO, FS-101, Reverse of 1940 variety. I was given the Reverse of 1940 designation, but they completely missed the DDO part. The grade was only VF25 - and even with the DDO, it isn't worth the cost of the grading fees - but I like to slab varieties that I find during coin-roll hunts. The key die marker is on the middle right side of the letter B in LIBERTY. There is little upwards tick mark. Here is an image of my coin, and the coin from PCGS's web site. This also matches what is on Variety Vista (http://www.varietyvista.com/04a JN DD Vol 1/DDO Detail Pages/1939PDDO007.htm).

Let me know what you think. Thanks.!

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