Cert Numbering Question

I am completely baffled by the numbering on one of my coins. In 2008, I submitted a couple of sealed AGE 4-coin sets for grading.
The coins came back to me sequentially-numbered, I thought. When I received them back, I simply made a mental note that they were all sequential.
It turns out that one of them was numbered and labelled with a completely different numbering sequence that included the PCGS coin number, while the other 7 coins only had the cert number.
In addition, the other 7 coins were provided with a round washer, but the oddball coin had the newer "pronged" type of insert.
When I checked the cert numbers, sure enough - 7 of the coins were within the same 8 number sequence but when I came to the number where the 8th coin would have been in the sequence, the cert does not exist. When I checked the cert number on the oddball coin, it does exist.
Question - how could one coin be labelled and slabbed with a completely different label and washer when all of the rest of the coins in the same submission were numbered sequentially?
I knew it would happen.
I wonder if something went wrong in the slabbing process or the finalizer did not like it and they had to slab again, during time they were changing stuff?
Thanks, Dave. That's about the only thing I could think of, but it is driving me crazy because it seems like such a longshot.
I knew it would happen.