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CoinX show report.

goldengolden Posts: 9,862 ✭✭✭✭✭

I left home early Wednesday morning for the long drive to St. Charles, Missouri. After going through several areas of road construction I arrived in St Charles in late afternoon.

Thursday morning, I was at the show about 30 minutes before the show opened. When it opened at 10AM there were about 50 people waiting to enter. This is about half as many as were waiting to enter at the July show at the same location. There were several empty tables this time.

I took a look at an 1800 Libekty Half Dime in PCGS AU 58. To me it looked over dipped and was overpriced so I passed. Also looked at an 1802 Bust Dollar in PCGS AU 55. It had nice golden toning, but I felt that the price was 15% too high. Later I looked at an 1811 Large Cent in PCGS AU 53. It was a very nice-looking coin but was very aggressively priced. I just could not get to a justification for that price. Darn.

There was not a lot of activity at this show and there were only about 3 dealers that had quality coins. I left at mid-afternoon and went next door to Cracker Barrel for lunch.

Friday morning, I had breakfast with two of my cousins. After breakfast I drove 2 hours to visit tw0 more cousins on their farm. It was a beautiful day.

Saturday morning, I checked out of the hotel and headed for home. I arrived home at 5 PM. Although I did not buy anything I had a great time looking at coins and visiting with my cousins.


  • cheezhedcheezhed Posts: 5,913 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just curious, how was the overpriced coins compared to the earlier show?

    Many happy BST transactions
  • vplite99vplite99 Posts: 1,331 ✭✭✭✭✭

    In the past (I'm going back 15 years) this was a lively show.

  • lermishlermish Posts: 3,378 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the nice report! Coincidentally, I went to a local show yesterday that is usually pretty decent and it was D E A D. I've never seen it like that. There were more dealers than attendees by about 3pm.

    Wonder if it's the market, economy, election, or what. But it's a noticeable difference.


  • goldengolden Posts: 9,862 ✭✭✭✭✭

    This November show is always weaker than the July show. I said last year that I would not go to the November show again, but I missed seeing two of my cousins in July, so I said why not.

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