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A nice “No Thank You” from an auction house

TypekatTypekat Posts: 475 ✭✭✭✭

I recently learned of this form letter - which is courteous yet firm. Maybe it’s something dealers here could use as a template to ‘soften the blow’ when presented with the unsaleable.

Thank you for reaching out to ___________ . After review, we have found that your coins have little to no collector value and do not meet our current minimum requirements for consignment. This is largely due to the specific market demand and valuation thresholds we adhere to, which help us ensure that both our consignors and buyers have the most beneficial experience possible.

We understand that each coin has its own story and significance, and it is never easy to hear that your items may not fit within our current consignment criteria. Please know this assessment is not a reflection of the value these coins hold to you or their historical importance. It is more about aligning with the current market dynamics and our consignment structure.

We encourage you to explore other avenues such as a local dealer or a collectors’ club to find out a second opinion as well as …a…Price Guide for more information about US coins.

30+ years coin shop experience (ret.) Coins, bullion, currency, scrap & interesting folks. Loved every minute!

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