Will this Green CAC'd Peace upgrade to Gold CAC? *UPDATE—back from CAC*

This 1923 Peace is already CAC'd as solid for the grade, however I believe it to be exceptional for the grade. I am considering submitting it to CAC as a "reconsideration" for a gold sticker.
Has anyone been successful with this type of submission? Thoughts on whether this coin will make the jump? There are relatively few gold CAC'd Peace Dollars (116 total, or 0.64% of the total CAC'd Peace Pop), so it'd be a big win.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
I have tried three times and been unsuccessful all three times. One of the coins I felt strongly about after comparing with many other coins but I understand the decision.
The other two coins are in my series and are indisputably undergraded by multiple grades. Given the nature of my series (chopped T$), my belief is that JA will not gold sticker any coin with a chop. Current green sticker pop for the series is 122; gold sticker pop is 0.
Your coin is lovely and it appears to be gem, or very close. Regardless, I predict that it does not gold only because it is SO tough to upgrade. More difficult than getting a gold the first time IMO.
It would raise the value by twenty bucks.
Not worth the cost of trying.
I appreciate the opinions on value and cost, but in an attempt to keep this thread on track, please note those aren't part of my questions—I am seeking thoughts on the coin itself and/or CAC's reconsideration process.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
I would crack it and try for a 65, might have a shot at 66 (based on photos).
As far as upgrading the coin itself I'm thinking lock 64, shot 5. On the sticker upgrading to gold as it sits.. Doubt it. Once it gets the green bean it normally stays.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
I would beg to disagree. Logically, maybe the next grade up has a price guide of $20 higher but the value of a gold CAC sticker is anything but logical. Given the rarity of gold beaned Peace dollars, the value may be higher by a factor of 2x or 3x.
With that said, the odds are very low this coin would get gold on a reconsideration, as nice as it is.
They are very hard on peace dollars, they don’t need nice coins they need them in their best scenario. I have had exceptional coins all ready net graded for strike in old holders that faced up multiple grades higher with their luster and fields not sticker at all. Not saying that is what is going on here but there are many factors to consider and there might be one of them holding it back.
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
I would be surprised if you were able to get a Gold Sticker after receiving a Green sticker. That would be a very rare occurrence but best of luck if you go for it.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
I could see it as a gold bean. However, I think there's definitely some conscious or unconscious bias against giving green beaned coins gold beans.
Coin Photographer.
I agree it solidly deserves a gold bean yet also don't believe CAC will agree with you and me.
I would absolutely send that back to CAC with a polite note stating that you can't discern why the coin is "only" a green sticker at this grade level.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
And ask, if he disagrees, that he kindly explain what is holding it back (for educational purposes)!
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
It's worth a shot if you have other coins going to CAC already. I think the coin merits one.
As others have pointed out, it's unfortunately just not worth the fees you would pay to have it regraded in any way since it is a common date Peace dollar. I figure it will likely go 64 which would bump the value up by $20 - but you would pay more than that for shipping, and regrading, so in the end, you would actually lose money. Super nice coin though!
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
It seems nice enough to try if you’re doing a CAC sub anyway. The chances are low but I saw several examples posted on IG last year where people got a gold on reconsideration.
What is that vertical line running down the Eagle's back? Is that the slab or on coin. Also several black carbon spots on reverse and also some chatter on chin and nose and above eye. Also what is on the obverse rim at 5:00? Very nice coin, A+ MS 64, but agree with others, maybe 50/50 shot at 65 or Gold CAC.
Thanks for the input. The vertical line on the reverse is on the slab, not the coin. Not sure about the rim, I’ll have to take a closer look.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
i can't talk green/gold so i'll just say it's nicer than a 63
this would have been a good gtg thread
Looks worthy of gold sticker, but agree unlikely. I do think it’s worth a shot though.
It looks like a very nice coin, if you send it in be sure to update especially if you feel comfortable sharing any feedback. My guess it was sent in originally hoping for a gold and will stay green. But I do know of a couple of times where JA has changed a coin from green to gold so its possible.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Just keep it as is. If you want a better grade 24 just go on the hunt for a 65CAC or better.
The photo is much nicer than a 63. The coin might be, or it might not be. I’ve had a bit of luck getting green to gold, but it’s a low-odds scenario in virtually any situation. I’ve more often failed.
It would probably be easier to get it in a 64 holder with a green sticker than in a 63 holder with a gold sticker. It’s supposed to be the same thing…… but it doesn’t always work that way.
The area above “IN GOD WE” looks a little weird. Any hairlines?
Unless you’ve already resubmitted and gotten the gold, no this will not gold CAC. The streak on the Eagles back kills it in my opinion.
I could see a dip and 64+ CAC in it’s future.
It’s quite obviously better than a 63…so worth a shot! JA may have spilled the OJ that morning at breakfast and deserves another shot at it.
I'm thinking lock 64, shot 5. Unable to determine if it would receive a gold sticker from the images.
Based on viewing photo, chin/neck on obverse and possibly chatter in the field above eagle on reverse. A MS-64 but a low end MS-64 which means no gold sticker at the 63 grade. JMHO.
Very pretty coin and double play with the PCGS OGH holder. But no harm in asking for JA’s opinion to educate yourself.
I could be wrong.
Submitted to CAC and requested reconsideration, and it did not upgrade to gold.
I neglected to request a reason on the form, so I don’t have any other insight to share. I did get beans on 2 of 3 other OGH Peace dollars sent in, including a 2.2 holder and a better date 1935, so I was happy with the submission overall.

Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Thanks for the update. I never knew how to look at a image of a mid-MS Peace Dollar and pick out a specific number. It's a Fool's errand. Peace dollars have so much variability that can't be captured in two dimensions.
It looks like a nice Choice MS coin.
Would have been nice to know why JA choose to stay with the green. Still a wonderful coin no matter.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
If it had upgraded how do they apply a gold sticker over the green or do they just put it somewhere else on the slab?
They remove the green sticker and apply a new gold one.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Yeah, I've heard that you can shave them off with a razor blade. In fact it was mentioned or alluded to here, but may have gone over many heads. Seems like one could submit cheap coins to CAC in order to get the sticker.
From my experience these are "single use" stickers in that if you attempt to remove them they largely split into layers or flake apart and cannot be mine-and-matched with slabs to fool folks who have any knowledge.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I understand that they are supposed to be tamper/mischief proof, but I was just going by what another member here said that he was able to do.
After JA spilled his OJ at breakfast during the first go around, contributing to going green instead of gold … clearly this time the Subway sandwich maker put too much mayonnaise on JA’s turkey club, and his mood was down when your clearly undergraded dollar came around again. Sorry dude.
I know why! JA felt that this coin was not “solid” at 1.5 grades higher than the grade on the label.
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