Variety/ATTRIB. Morgan

Sent coins in to have graded at PCGS 1878-S Morgan, Did my research on coin and its a Vam 19 , has all the markings of . Joined PCGS Platinum club . Entered it as coin #40535 and stated under description/ variety as a Vam 19 and checked box for clear view and box for variety and added up at bottom 4 coins =80 bucks didn't have to pay for clear view it was a gold shield that came with clear view. All coins was changed to 7082 all 8 coins that where sent in and I brought this to there attention and there reply was that I didn't ask to have them ATTRIB./Variety . Did I miss something what more did they want me to do. I also had sent them a copy of Submission form they sent with coins where they had marked everything that needed to be done to the coins as stated above . What Did I miss . was there a box that was needed to be checked hiding somewhere that I didn't see. I thought I dotted all the i and crossed all the t's I'm anal like that. LOL. Any help will be appreciated .
Welcome to the forum!
You may have missed checking a box or adding the extra fees for the variety.
It would be hard to say much without seeing your submission form.
A PCGS Employee had gone over submission form and marked what was need to be done to the coins with green marker, and from what I see variety/ATTRIB was checked on 4 coins and marked by employee that needed to be ATTRIB. with a green marker. All was added up and came to be 80 bucks entered at bottom and added into price but no ATTRIB. which would indicate that there not Vam 19 but that's not what there saying there saying I didn't mark to have done ? PS I did my research on Vam 19 and had others look at and confirm that they are Vam19
PCGS does not attribute all Vams but it looks like Vam 19 is one that they do.
It also appears you had the right coin # 40535
If you paid the fees they should have attributed it unless it was not a Vam 19.
Maybe @PCGS_Hy could help review your order and find out if the error was on your end or PCGS.
By tagging them here there is a good chance you will get a message from Hy so watch your inbox for a message.
Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention!
I will reach out to you by direct message regarding your issue.
Generally, I would recommend reaching out to our Customer Care team through our Contact Us form or by phone at 800-447-8848 for assistance.
PCGS Customer Care Representative
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