Restrike book at printers

Restrikes, Storied Treasures of the U.S. Mint by Kevin Flynn is currently at the printers. This book is being self-published, with only a limited number printed. The book is 8 ½ by 11, 466 pages. Softcover Retail $75.00,
Restrikes were struck from the early 1830s through 1885. In the context of coins and numismatics, "restrike" normally implies and is defined as a coin that is struck not in the date which is stamped on the coin. The normal exception to this rule is in the early 19th century when it was an acceptable Mint practice to use working dies dated from the previous year in the beginning of the current year. For example, 1803 dated dollars were struck in the first quarter of 1804. Die steel was scarce and production of new working dies slow. In addition, the Mint more than likely did not want to waste unused working dies at the end of the year. Another normal exception is reverse working dies that were carried forward over several years and used to strike coins. As these reverses were undated, they could normally be used in subsequent years if they were not worn.
Even though our knowledge of restrikes was greatly expanded, there were also many unanswered questions such as: Why were restrikes created before 1859 and after 1870 and who was responsible for their creation? Were restrikes made outside the Mint? Who controlled the working dies during different periods? Were restrikes created for different reasons during the 19th century? These and many more questions drove the research and objective of this book.
Restrikes are one of the most intriguing and greatest mysteries of the U.S. Mint. The goal is to understand as much as possible from all the restrikes to be able to draw reasonable conclusions about this fascinating topic. Curiosity is one of the greatest traits for mankind, it pushes us to learn more and expand our knowledge. Hopefully this research will open doors on this topic, but also create interest for others to want to explore and learn more.
This book contains an immense amount of research, such as important Mint records from the National Archives; relevant coinage acts and statutes; related parts of Mint Reports, letters from Matthew Stickney, who obtained many of these restrikes directly from the Mint including an 1804 Type I Dollar; notes from Joseph Mickley’s journal; private letters and applicable articles; George Eckfeldt’s notebook; auction sales of restrikes. This information is listed in the appendix section and in the applicable restrike sections.
Each restrike is covered in great detail with photographs, description, analysis, history, and origins. Many photographs are presented, especially when there is a sequence in die states. Also covered are those varieties that were called restrikes that were refuted.
Price for the softcover is $75.00 plus $5 for media shipping or $10 for first class shipping.. To order, send a check or money order to Kevin Flynn, P.O. Box 1043, Troy, VA 22974. Venmo is also accepted, please write first to