1991 Stanley Cup Final Ticket Stub - Oddball Date

Hi Everyone,
I attended the 1991 Game 6 Stanley Cup Final in Minnesota and kept the ticket stub for all these years. I wanted to get a PSA grade on it but the printed date of the actual date is wrong. We were season ticket holders and the tickets were printed and distributed for that series before the series started. The series start was dependent on the outcome of the Bruins/Penguins series. If Penguins won their series, the series would start 2 days early. Tickets printed for non-season ticket holders show correct date. But mine shows different (May 27) than actual game day (May 25). It does show Game "O" which is correct and there's a serial number on the back but I don't know if that helps any. I've a front/back image of the stub.
My question is, would anyone want such a ticket? PSA won't certifiy it since date is different than actual game. Complicating it even more is that the day of week on my ticket is wrong also (May 27 is Monday not a Sunday). I'd like to sell it but without certification I think I'm out of luck. I'm guessing it would be viewed as a forgery - but I know I was there and this was the stub.
Has anyone run into this before?
Did PSA say they would NOT grade it? You probably will need to open a research request in the Customer Request Center under your account dashboard.
The "serial #" on the back isn't really that. It is just a count of how many tickets have been printed out that printer like an odometer (though in theory they could have kept a log, but that would only show the event, not the seats tied to the number, and not like anyone would still have it 30+ years later)
I doubt it would be viewed as a forgery, just a jalopy! The ticket is pretty beat though, so not sure what the graded value would be. Game 7 is the money as the Super Mario clinching game.
Game 6 was the super Mario 8-0 smoking in MN so we got to see the cup skated around (although as MN fans we weren't in a festive mood). I've seen this stub selling >$500 so that's my motivation to get it verified.
I did go the research request and below is their response. Not hopeful.
_**"thank you for submitting this request. I have reached out to our ticket authenticator, and for now, we wouldn't accept it. We haven't seen a ticket with the 27th as a date, and in addition, the 27th was Monday, not a Sunday, so due to multiple discrepancies, we wouldn't accept this ticket.
If the ticket team is able to find additional info about this ticket, I will reach back out to you, but based on both issues with the date, we aren't comfortable accepting it.
Thank you for checking, and again, if w are able to find something different, I will let you know. "**_
I somehow got confused thinking it was a 7 game series. Have you seen any other stubs pictured with the weird date? Did you go to any other games and have those stubs and do they show odd dates?
So doing some research, your ticket is in an abnormal format as the leter "O" should be in between all the asterisks on either side of "game o" where the colons (:) are... As well, your ticket was clearly printed on a different model of ticket printer than the ones I found pictures for (not in itself an issue as it was very common for venues to have ticket printers of different ages and thus slightly different print types/fonts). Also seems your ticket doesn't have the asterisks in between and around the Round and Game #, as well as the format is different.
Thanks for checking into this RufussCkingston!
I think the date in the lower left is when the tickets were printed. The slabbed one you show would have been printed day before game (probably bought and/or printed at box office). Your other stub was printed on May 7 which would be before the series start wasn't known yet (wouldn't be set till May 11 after Pitt beats Boston). Mine is the same, printed before May 11.
I'm guessing the differences has something to do with ours being season tickets and if I remember right, we had to buy series 3 and 4 up front thus the early printing date (Apr 25). I'm having my friend check his ticket when he gets back from out of town and see what it says. I'm also guessing different font etc are different because all season ticket holders were printed in bulk and got them mailed whereas others (with correct date) could be printed at arena box office?
Maybe there's someone else out there that had season tickets/stubs and we could see what those say. It is funny that there's only 5 ceritfied ones out there according to PSA population report.
I'm research oriented and my wife says I spend too much time on these things. To prove she's probably right, see my attached research on the "start of series" articles in the MN paper (I sent this to PSA hoping to they'd consider it).
The Game O is all that should matter. There was only one Game O and the PSA slab shows that Game O is the clincher. The Blackhawks back then didn’t even designate the rounds. They started at Game A and tickets went in order until the last home game was finished. If there were only two home games on the first round then Game C was a second round game and so-forth.
due to it's rough condition, I'd simply request an authentic designation...I don't believe it to be a high demand ticket, however if it's for your own PC due to you being in attendance, I'd get it slabbed.
That is correct, the bottom left is the print date and would line up with season ticket Playoff Strip sales..... As well, it is very common in the past (before digital), that a season ticket holder in any of the 4 big sports would have to pre-pay for the entire playoff strip, all 4 rounds (in the case of NHL/NBA) and max number of games in order to keep the same seats for the playoffs.
The premise of the different font due to mass printing would probably only hold if they were printed as a one page/two page strip where you have to tear the tickets/separate from the sides., but your ticket is smooth on all sides, including the end, which is from the blade in the single printer machine. So your ticket was printed on the same type of machine, just different version/age compared to the "proper" looking ones.
You need to get PSA to create a "season ticket holder" / incorrect date flip...
I would reach out to the Dallas Stars and see if they could point you in the right direction. Hopefully they might have an ancient employee there.... Email them pics and see if you could get a letter response addressing the "inaccuracies/anomalies"