More US stamps (mostly blocks_ for sale MNH SOLD

More of my fathers stamps for sale
Mostly bocks All mint never hinged
Again, please note the stamps are in cellophane which comes off very easily. I guess he did that to protect the stamps. There is also a small piece of paper attached with the issue year of the stamps. It is not attached to the stamp, The original glue is intact for all stamps.
These stamps were in an album on individual sheets of paper. I removed them from the album so I could take pictures.
I am open to any and all offers for any or all of these stamps
Use the mint ones for postage. The used ones or ones without gum on back are worthless.
IF they are unused and IF they have full original gum, I'd pay 60% of face value, as long as you pay shipping.
That's probably a generous offer since they are small denominations, and that's probably a retail price.
Unfortunately, that's the kind of value we're talking about.
Very generous offer at that!
JBK, I sent a PM to you
The transaction went smoothly. Thanks again!
I'll keep a small portion of them but the rest will do work as postage. It's fun to put 75 year old stamps on my outgoing mail.
Glad you liked the stamps. Have fun with your mailing.