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Article on the LSCC web site

seatedlib3991seatedlib3991 Posts: 678 ✭✭✭✭✭

I want to recommend an article that is just now available on the Liberty Seated Collector site. It is about the "Revolution in Minting Process" that took place shortly after steam powered presses began.
I will tell you right now that , for me, just about every article about how coins are made turns into a swamp of jargon I don't know and I usually end up more confused then informed.
Just my opinion, but if you want a clear concise explanation about engraving, die sinking, and tools like the portrait lathe; this is it. I encourage anyone interested in 19th century coins to give it a read.
The article is right there when the LSCC web page loads. Hope others find it as useful as I did. James


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