Recently won this card on Ebay & didn't immediately notice how off center the flip was, searched the past auctions & stored images on PSA and found it's a fake flip with a duplicate cert number. You can see the pink border where it shows Red Sox shifts the opposite way between the two cards & there appears to be a small black print smudge in the upper left corner in the white border as well as the black print dot in Carl. Also the silver psa hologram and the font looks a bit off. I immediately contacted the seller who initially refused to cancel the sale. I then sent the images & they replied sorry it had already been shipped. I expressed how they are pushing through an obvious fake flip & a couple minutes later I got a message stating they were now able to pull the card & would send me a refund. I just feel fortunate that I was able to catch this because how many times would this have not been caught by me or anybody else. Shame on scumbags who counterfeit & shame on the seller for initially giving me flack & refusing me a refund. Buyer beware and definitely do some homework on any higher end card purchase.
Did the card go through the authentication program without getting caught? The bar codes on the matching certs flips are not identical. Scary if it got passed through.
Glad you asked, it had not but didn't want to take the chance of it getting through and having an entire additional headache so called PSA to head it off because the seller initially said it had already been shipped and would be authenticated by PSA. I wanted to tell them a fake flip was headed their way and feel I got the cold shoulder. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was told you will be waiting 7 to 10 business days. I said this card will possibly make it through the authentication process by then and was told yep It probably will be. I said flags it then and was told we can't do that. HUH?? Am I talking to the company who handles authentication??? Do better!!!!
That's a horrible fake. Should never have even been listed.
Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.
For real. I can’t imagine that would have made it through authentication but I’d have wanted to stop it and not take a chance either.
This makes me sick. I have bought a few high end, high dollar cards from Greg Morris and thought he was one of the trusted sellers on eBay. Luckily all the ones I purchased have passed through authentication. But now I have to go double check. Keeping my fingers crossed that I have no fakes that made it past the authenticators.
I totally agree, makes me sick. Some scammer almost got me. I hope Greg Morris can trace who they got the card from, if they even care? I just hope they do the right thing and don't try to resell that slab again.
Someone allowed it to slip through. Better scrutiny would have caught it right away. I wouldn't doubt GMC, their reputation is pretty consistent. A thousand dollar graded card needs a trained set of eyes for all aspects to be sure.
Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.
Was it Greg Morris or PWCC?
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
Wow - not sure I would have caught that.
I noticed that the flip you tried to buy has a "T1" in the lower left etched into the plastick with PSA on the bottom right while what is believed to be the original card with this cert# doesn't have "T1" on it nor the PSA logo.
It's very interesting that on the PSA Cert# lookup you can see both auction prices and they have images of the card whereby you can see side-by-side the differences. I had no idea their Cert# lookup tracked the sale of the card with images.
Pretty scary - makes you wonder how rampant this problem is...
I would have to imagine GMC will be able to pinpoint the consignor and report them.
Did you report the issue to PSA? There's a button to report an issue on the Cert# lookup.
I've also noticed that completed/sold auctions on eBay cannot be viewed up close any longer to easily look at the cert# and run it through PSA's website. When you click on a sold/completed item, it takes you to an active, similiar item. Not sure I've noticed that before...
I got lucky, when I saw the skewed flip I started digging and luckily that same cert # was sold in August of 2017 which showed the pic of the real slab. It is most definitely a different card and flip that I bid on. I had not been watching the card, was just browsing and it had just a few minutes left but any other time I would have had time to research and scrutinize the aspects of the card a little more. PSA doesn't store info for Buy it now cards just auctions from what I can tell.
There's still a link you can use on the upper right which reads "View original listing" that can redirect to the completed auction you want to see.
Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.
Wow Dean, I could've easily not noticed that!
Thanx for sharing. I haven't bought anything like that; I do have a few 1-200$ 9's - might have to take a close look?
This is exactly why I applaud Ebay for verifying graded cards and PSA was willing to contract with them. Fake slabs are getting better all the time.
When it was a game is back
Good catch. As for the seller, can they refund and get the card back from eBay authentication? If you can't, I'd imagine the best process as a seller would be to wait to see if it clears and if it does, do the return from there. If it doesn't pass eBay authentication you know why. As a buyer, alerting PSA by email seems to be the quickest process and then call them as a backup but keep it about that cert number.
I would have missed that.
Nice detective work on your part.