I finally dug my first buffalo nickel out of the ground, I've found a couple over the years in change but never dug one until last night. Top it off there's a date 1935...
I still remember finding my first Buffalo nickel. It was slightly anticlimactic because I had previously found a V nickel. Your coin should clean up very nicely in mild acid.
I still remember finding my first Buffalo nickel. It was slightly anticlimactic because I had previously found a V nickel. Your coin should clean up very nicely in mild acid.
way cool score
Thank you and only took a few years lol (10+) to find one
It's nice to get the small stuff as well, you feel better 👍
congrats! Feels good knocking something off of the want list
And the list just grows and grows
I "dig" your find. The Buffalo sees the light of day.
anything with a head dress is always cool !