Singapore Famous Smile Lions Kings The $1 Dollars Unique Diamonds Coins Bright Chrome Surfaces Rares

Singapore Famous Smile Lions Kings The $1 Dollars Unique Diamonds Coins
Bright White Starlights Chrome Surfaces
Cartwheels effect Shining Lustre Shade
New discovery of the centuries for sure and certainly unique for the coins and numismatic breakthrough Super gem brilliant new condition Mints state seventy for perfect ratings and for the real authentic
Highest number grade as finest known Extremely Rares one in existence
Selling for $9000000 and the price is negotiable to you make bests offers for the consideration
Serious buyers you are welcome to write reply me with your highest prices returns back to you later there
This may surprise you, but price guides on these coins actually exist, and your 1985 Singapore $1 coin is worth 10 US dollars at best (IF it's MS65).
This forum is frequented by some of the world's top numismatists, so your Ebay shenanigans aren't going to work here. You are wasting your time.
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
These Lions Coins Has Unique Bright Chrome Surfaces
I am serious and would like to offer a big pile of garbage. That is my best offer.
You are welcome to give your best offers there
Might have better results posting in the world coin BST. THKS!
I just offered you a pile of garbage.
Your Garbage offers has been declined by me and you should make best offers for sure there
These Unique Coins is the most beautiful ever seen so far be honest with you
Don't be so quick to reject my offer; it's a very big pile of dirty garbage!
Let me make you a special deal: give me your address, and I'll put all of the garbage in the garbage can that is closest to your home so that you know right where to find it. When you collect the garbage, just put the coin in the garbage can and let me know.