A couple more autograph questions

You guys have really helped me out with your instant recognition, and I have three final autographed balls that I cannot recall but they are very familiar to me.
Your help would be again appreciated, and I'll quit being a pest. Thank you!
Middle one looks like Larry walker
Thank you, it indeed does look exactly like Larry Walker when I looked up comparative signatures.
Bottom one, first name:Delvin? Best I can come up with.
Thanks. That one has been elusive.
I'll have to dig into my cards, I have around 5000 auto cards. Too bad that I didn't organize them better.
I looked over one real nice 14 auto ball from the 1960 Red Sox this morning. Williams stole the sweet spot in his final year but it has some other nice ones, including one guy (Todd Borland) who only pitched for one year with the Red Sox and went 0-4, the next year he pitched one inning and gave up 3 hits and 2 runs ending his career.