Did anyone go to the September 2024 Philly Show?

Title says it all.
I just have a question about the autograph guests, particularly the 2008 Phillies.
Title says it all.
I just have a question about the autograph guests, particularly the 2008 Phillies.
I was there Saturday
Were Utley and Hamels surprise guests?
Thank you.
I had contacted the show and ended up mail ordering via the guy who handles their mail order and arranging the guests. It was 18 signatures: 16 players, Manuel and Milt Thompson (who was a coach). Utley and Hamels were not scheduled, although they do annual signings with the guy and usually a coinciding Philly Show.
I had requested that the sweetspot be reserved for Hamels as MVP (to match the way my 1980 ball is signed).
I received a ball with an empty sweet spot and 18 signatures. However, as I was "mapping" the ball, I was surprised to see Utley and Hamels, rather than Thompson and Happ.
A friend, who has a nearly completed a 2008 ball, told me Hamels won't sign the SS on a WS ball due to a contractual agreement (probably Steiner/Fanatics) as he had tried a couple years ago at the annual ALS event.
I am not complaining as everything looks legit, but I am curious. It wouldn't appear they sent me a ball from an existing inventory as I doubt the SS would be blank on a ball with the manager and all of the starters other than Burrell on it.
Edit - heard back from the Philly Show. They indicated no Utley but didn't say anything about Hamels.
They said you need to contact the guy and it seems like you got a deal.
you didn't want Manuel on the s/s?
Not if I could get Hamels. My 80 ball has Schmidt in the SS. I wanted consistency with the WS MVP in the SS.
Had I known, I would have had Manuel in the SS.