Cell phones

On Saturday I am going phone shopping for my first smart phone. The business I will be dealing with is Verizon. I am hoping to find a phone that is easy to use but is capable of taking basic coin photos. If anyone here knows a good phone model to inquire about please let me know. James
Being in the IT industry, I have dealt with many smart phones. If a primary concern is having a good camera, the Google Pixel phones are excellent. The newest model is the Google Pixel Pro 9 and runs around $900, which is pretty much in line with most smart phones as far as price. I personally have a 3 year old Motorola Edge Plus which also takes really good photos, and has a Macro mode for taking close ups of coins and such. It is currently selling for around $500 or so.
I took these photos just now, at my desk at work, just to give you an idea of what the Moto Edge macro mode does.
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
Most new age smartphones will fit that critieria, it really just depends on your personal preference in a phone. I'd have a salesperson show you some phones and you can see which one appeals to you. I myself am an iPhone fan and just upgraded to the iPhone 16, it is simple to use and has a fantastic camera. Albeit, it is expensive ($899).
Collector of Capped Bust Halves, SLQ's, Commems, and random cool stuff! @davidv_numismatics on Instagram
I find hairlines with my iPhone ….. but seldom any worms.

My old Samsung 13 takes great photos. Much better than any of the later versions. It's not hooked to the internet, I just use it for the camera for my coins. I have a newer Samsung for cell service, 23s I think.

Here are a few pics:
shaky hand on this one:
Thanks for the model numbers to ask about. One question more. Does verizon carry these models or do you buy the phone at a separate place? James
Verizon has iPhones and Samsung phones.
@skier07 . Thanks. James
If you're not afraid to shell out a couple bucks, get a iPhone 14-15 Pro. If you want something smaller, try the iPhone 13 mini. I would not recommend the 16's, as pretty much nothing has changed since the 15.
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
@may. Thanks for the advice. James
You didn't mention if you prefer android or iphone...
I'm android and have been using the Galaxy series for years and it's because I choose my phones based on the camera and don't do much else with my phone other than calls and photos. Also, my degree is in commercial photography so I just appreciate how amazing these tiny cameras are!
Currently I'm on a Galaxy S23. Full manual controls available so I can use it like a tiny DSLR
Great optical zoom and fantastic digital zoom, nice close up focus, exceptionally high res available, excellent image stablilization...
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@Kurisu . I don't know which I prefer. I have never used any smart phone. but the picture information is very important. I have never been able to post a picture so the ease\y camera use sounds promising. thank you. James
iPhones are more popular and thus, integrate easier ino most things. iMessage, airdrop, FaceTime, etc. I don’t do green bubbles, so android users are excluded from some of my group chats. When I send a video via text to an android user, it shows up all pixelated whereas an iPhone user would see it clearly. The camera on the pro models is second to none, I’m waiting for my 16 pro and pro max to arrive, I bought both and I’ll return the one I don’t like as much.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Airdrop is phenomenal by the way. I use a canon app to use my phone as a remote for my R50 DSLR camera, and I import all the pics into my library. I can then airdrop them from my phone to my MacBook in lighting speed, 50 high res pictures takes like a minute to upload to my laptop.
On the other hand, @Davidk7 has an iPhone but his laptop is not a Mac. When we’re in the office, he can’t airdrop and he has to email them to himself from his phone, which takes much longer and is more inconvenient.
Founder- Peak Rarities
I think you can take acceptable coin photos with any modern smartphone, you just have to experiment a bit. I took these with iPhone 12pro, I like using an iPhone so that I can edit the pictures instantly on my iPad. The iPhone automatically puts the image on the iPads camera roll. It helps to edit them into Trueview style side by side pictures because it keeps the images small enough that they don’t usually pixelate on bigger screens.

Thanks for the information. I intend to take a coin along and ask the person to demonstrate picture taking. My computer is not a mac but I will inform the sales rep of that. I have back read some of the posts on here but there does not seem to be an undisputed winner between I phone and android. hopefully I can find someone patient enough to demonstrate both. James
Actually...the newer androids like my S23 integrate with pretty much everything. So if you @PeakRarities text me pics or I text you, you will get higher res images if I have my settings set that way.
Almost every app is available for android and iphone so that's not a big deal from where I stand. I'm not doing banking and am an app minimilast on my phone...but I do group chats with my family in Japan and the East and West Coasts who are a mix of iphones and androids. My work phone is an iphone and I haven't run into a single compatability issue with either my personal android or my work iphone.
For me, it's a bit like back in the day when it mattered whether you were on a PC or an Apple, especially for things like using Photoshop...now it doesn't matter much at all. They just have slightly different feels but almost all the smartphone interface settings are highly adjustable on both newer android and iphone so for me it totally seamless switching back and forth.
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@Kurisu . If you don't mind my asking. What kind of computer do you use for work? Does it make any difference which phone you have/ James
Take a photo with the camera at it's default setting...move the camera/coin close and far until you can see how close it can focus when you take some pics. Then, if the rep can help you, go into full manual mode on the camera and set the focus at it's closest setting and move the coin/camera back and forth until it's sharp before taking the pic.
On some iphones and androids you would need to download an app from the manufacturer to have full manual controls for the camera...that's probably easier to read about online...Google or Bing that info...and YouTube. Search by model/brand name of phone and ask for camera settings or camera specs or camera tips...
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
I'm on a PC laptop for work, and a much higher end PC laptop at home. I often just email myself anything I need on either computer but sometimes use the USB to load things directly from phone to computer. I work in government so my work laptop won't allow me to do certain things for security reasons.
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
I agree with @Mr_Spud that it really won't matter much whether you choose iphone or android regarding the camera...you'll learn how to experiment to take great pics. Regarding which phone folks prefer for other things I would say a whole lot of us simply arbitrarily started with either iphone or android and stuck with it or changed...like I said, for me there is no preference other than regarding LOTS of control over the camera and system settings, which is why I'm android.
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
I have a Samsung S22+ and love its camera. BTW, Check Verizon for their deals regarding a cell phone or even the no interest monthly payment plans for the more expensive phones. Most brands over $500 will have a decent camera these days.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Samsung S24 Ultra
'Iolani Palace in Honolulu, Hawai'i
King Kalakaua's office. Area is cordoned off.

Quick zoom and reverse of Akahi Dala on the King's personal walking stick can be seen.
CIA Jock Strap medal

Royal Hawaiian Mint issue

US Mint issue

Back from the phone store. my daughter has to use a motorola 1 phone for her work. The assistant pointed out that if we all had the same phone model she could teach us how to use them so "one for all and all for one." As the three musketeers use to say. My phone cannot be set up until Monday because I have to transfer a landline to a cell number. Waited this long so a few days wont matter. thanks to all for the phone information though. cannot wait to post coin pictures. James
Not pictures, videos. Whenever I send videos to androids they go through all pixely. I’m sure androids have all the same capabilities these days but I can’t see myself ever switching back from iPhones.
The group chat thing is more of a joke, but I do rib my android using friends that they’re not allowed to be in the group chats because the green bubbles hurt my eyes 😂.
If you want to try sending me a video, my cell number is on my website.
Gorgeous coin btw.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Buy the latest Apple iPhone.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Hopefully you didn't get a Motorola?
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
I have a Samsung A15. My service provider is Tracfone. Tracfone operates on the Verizon network.

I did my homework before I bought into this.
I used to be with Verizon until I realized I am paying a fortune when I don't have to.
I bought the phone with case and shied for $200 all in and I own the phone.
This phone looks like an iPhone but it's an android.
I pay $40.00 a month all in with unlimited texts and phone use and I have 5g of internet but I am usually hooked up to wifi so I never use all my internet and yes it rolls over.
The camera works great I just don't spend enough time screwing around with the camera but it's supposed to be one of the better cameras.
Student of numismatics and collector of Morgan dollars
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I don't understand. My phone stopped taking pictures. How do I upload more film?
if it rings, it’s a phone. if it completely diverts your attention away from all of the important places, things and people around you…it’s a smart phone