YourTango: "Father Concerned After Realizing His Son Has Been Throwing Coins In The Trash"

And you wonder why some kids will never become numismatists. Have you parents had that money talk with your kids yet?
Father Concerned After Realizing His Son Has Been Throwing Coins In The Trash — ‘He Says He Doesn’t Like Them’
It seems like he was worried about his son throwing money away, but the kid may not be able to understand that.
Mary-Faith Martinez
Written on Oct 01, 2024
Children tend to do some strange things. It’s just part of being a kid, really. When their behavior turns concerning, though, it’s time to pay attention and make sure everything is okay.
One dad was well aware of this when what seemed like a harmless quirk started to go too far. Apparently, his son had been throwing away money because he didn't like coins, specifically.
A father was worried about his son throwing away coins.
A dad took to Reddit to share his son’s behavior that he found worrisome.
“My son throws away coins,” he stated. “He says he doesn’t like them and they’re not worth saving.”
The short post was accompanied by a photo of a white garbage can with an assortment of coins in the bottom.
The inference that could be drawn from the post was that the dad was upset because his son was effectively throwing away money — although a few coins admittedly don’t add up to much, especially in today’s economy.
Still, he has probably been trying to teach his son about money and now feels that he has completely disregarded its importance.
Check out the Reddit link and read some of the comments, they are priceless.
Here's one that caught my eye....
10 years ago, my kid found a penny on the ground and said she was going to buy something at Target. I warned her that she was unlikely to find anything to buy. There was a giant bin of school supply type stuff for $0.01 each. She bought a spiral notebook with a unicorn on the cover. She was so damn smug about it too.
The story continues here at Your Tango
I find it funny that the coins in the picture are not cents, they say 50 on them.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
The kid is years ahead of his time... ...I hope.
A wheelbarrow full of pennies is already garbage and it won't be too long until one full of quarters isn't worth much.
You can't buy much of anything for cash now days. A couple years ago I was treated poorly and Bestbuy needed several managers to sign off on a few hundred dollar bills. It seemed like they were concerned I'd rob the bank receipts after the store closed. I guess they don't get much cash any longer.
The old saying in Germany was you needed a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy groceries but you could pay off your mortgage with the change.
if the "kid" lives in Canada why would you keep cents around anyway, if you cannot spend them get rid of them. no matter what, the Kid just does not like coins, his parents should have a serious talk to him on how the commerce side of the world works like it or not! maybe one day he will have his way thank goodness it won't work of me but to each his own!
Kid probably has TikTok brain and realized he can't scroll on a lincoln cent.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Young fellow suffering from Bust Half fever.
JRCS #1606
For many years my main savings plan was to save all my coins (after doing everything I could to generate change in my daily transactions) and then cash them in periodically for savings bonds or a contribution to some divided reinvestment plans I had going (ones that allowed additional cash contributions). I have done pretty well with those investments.
If someone doesn't respect coins they probably don't respect dollars, either.
The U.S.A. should get rid of pennies. They are worthless.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
The coins or the wife and kids, whatever there names was now 🤔
And now the rest of the story,,,,,,,,,
The boy grew up and later became The Director of The US Mint ----- Philip N. Diehl,,,,,,,