Has anyone heard if @asheland is o.k.?

I'm concerned about Terry. I do know many of the folks in his neck of the woods have no power, internet or, in many cases, homes.
I haven't head back from him.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
I asked Terry's friend in Asheville to let me know but cell service is spotty at best there.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
I just heard that he is safe.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
@justindan is ok as well.
Glad to hear that
There are plenty of folks who you won’t hear anything until communication improves not to mention those who are missing. Pray tell when they get to everyone who needs help.
WTB: Barber Quarters XF
I’m good.
Asheland is fine. The shop opens again next week.
Erwindoc is ok as well.
John of Omnifarious is ok.
I sent some prayers to Georgia via relatives. She has family there and it's appreciated 💌
how's the food and water situation?
I can't answer for North Carolina, but in Florida, people are going nuts over food. You should have seen Wal-Mart today: First Tuesday of the month + what I call post-hurricane-mental-disability, or PHMD. They are literally pulling stuff off the shelves as fast as they can put more out.
Another example: The state provides free tarps to those who need them, but people who don't need them are getting them, then turning around and selling them to those who actually have roof damage.
There will be enough food and water here, as long as people calm down in a few days.
People are also going crazy about the ports strike.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
"I think I'm gonna need a bigger rake!" Yes, that's me standing in my back yard yesterday. The Greenwood, SC area was hit pretty hard by Helene. Most of Friday, our gated community was cut off from the outside world thanks to flooding and fallen trees. Several homes in our neighborhood were severely damaged by falling trees but, aside from the mess in the back yard, we are OK. We still don't have power but, thanks to a generator, I can still get online. Hopefully, in a few days, things will be a bit more normal.
I am in NE Georgia (Gainesville) and we are fine. However, I can't get propane or bottled water because all local supplies are being diverted to the affected areas. Also, our utility crews and equipment are being sent there as well. It's a mess.
@2ndCharter wow! That’s a big tree to just snap in half like that.
@CRHer700 there is definitely some hoarding happening over the port strike, which is no doubt exacerbating the supply chain issues from Helene.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
One of my cousins lives in Asheville. Spent 12 hours plus on the roof of her place with her cat waiting to be rescued - 3 story building on stilts in the art district or something along those lines. Fema tents since Saturday and hopefully in a apartment or hotel they were trying to use as FEMA housing. Haven't heard anything in a couple days.
It's way worse than most people realize.
I think others have mentioned this -- I have been in contact with Terry and he is well.
You should see the size of the trees around Florida that were snapped into two pieces. Huge live oaks snapped like pencils.
I am fine everybody! And thank you for asking!
As of about two hours ago, I finally got cell phone service and Internet, both back at the same time at home! so I’m back to normal now, I had the least power outage of anybody I know because I live in a small town near the downtown part, six hours of no power on Friday, had water the entire time!
But no cell service at all until literally today! the only time I could get on is if I drove out and tried to find a place that had a signal and I would pull over and try to get on line and check everything,
I tried to get on here a few days ago from where I was, but I just couldn’t get the page to open… The area was being used by lots of people so the signal just couldn’t handle it all apparently…
But now at home, everything is back to normal completely! I am so blessed that nothing happened to the house or my car or anything, all of my close friends are fine. I’ve talked to Lord Marcovan, Justindan, avocet, and most recently Savoyspecial, who is fine, we were worried about him because his area got it really bad, but he is OK. I was texting him earlier…
You guys really are the best!
Things are a little weird, but I’m going to try to get back in the routine of popping on here every day or two.
My YouTube Channel