Show Report Coin and Collectibles Fair
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Show going very well. Very strong turnout with over 400 people walking in today… great mix of local and national dealers. Show continues Sun 10-3 … exhibits were very interesting and lots of buying and selling More details to follow. Surprise visit by Max a social media influencer with I think over 200k followers.
Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin -
good luck! I'd be curious to your thoughts after (whats hot, whats not).
Nice look in the room. Lighting looks very adequate.
Alot of generic gold and silver being traded.
Looks like a real good turnout.
We were very pleased with the show.... over 500 people showed up over the 2 days.... not bad for what we call the best "Little" show in NY dealers all seemed pleased, no issues (shoutout to our security team) and collectors got to see a wide variety of material, from currency to bullion, from copper to gold... all in all a good day for all!
Thanks for sharing - looks like really strong attendance.
Is that an actual cop in the background or a standing cardboard image?
The show looks ver active!
WTB: Barber Quarters XF
lol that’s Roy our mascot cop and yes he is cardboard.
We had 4 on our security team for this show. Well I guess 5 if you count the k9. 2 are uniformed and 2 undercover. The K9 does the overnight shift and works on the outside patrol of parking lot during day
Funny, but it had me fooled at first glance. Probably a very good idea though!
Our Louisville club is hosting a show here in about two weeks. I’m helping out. I’ll share the thought with them. Sounds like your security was ample. I love K9s! Crooks hate em.
WTB: Barber Quarters XF
Pm me any questions I have done shows for years both small and large
Good eye!!