Brett Favre diagnosed with Parkinsons

in Sports Talk
He just announced it this morning. I feel terrible for Brett. I have intimate knowledge of how this disease will affect him. It is a terrible way to go.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Sad news.
I just read an interview he gave 6 years ago. He said he only had maybe 3 or 4 diagnosed concussions. but back then, they would get "dings" where you saw stars, ringing in the ears etc. and would go back out on the field once his head cleared. now he knows those were actually concussions. Brett mentioned that there were "hundreds, maybe thousands" of those throughout his career.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Isn't he addressing congress due to his massive fraud, where he misappropriated taxpayer funds to his own personal benefits?
In that light his sharing of the diagnosis seems like a ploy to avoid accountability.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
he was addressing congress. Parkinsons is also a death sentence.
I would think that in this circumstance a condolence instead of a condemnation is more appropriate.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Watched a fellow slide downhill for 15 years. Not a good demise.
It's text book manipulation and a great way to deflect from his welfare scandal. He stole so many millions from the tax payers. He is rich, but he still stole from the tax payers. I'm not terribly sympathetic.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
Having read a lot over the years about diet, health, nutrition, etc, I know there have been some good strides made in the area of brain degenerative diseases such as dementia. Not sure about Parkinsons specifically, but I would have to think there have been strides made in this one as well.
Parkinson's sucks hopefully he will be OK for a long while before it gets worse.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
there have been some improvements in the medication that can treat/hide symptoms. but at this point they are still band aides and not curative measures. Brett will have about 3 medications that his physicians will use. as one loses its efficacy, they will switch to another. Parkinsons progresses differently with each person. he could go 20 years or 5. It is very individual. but, unless there is a breakthrough, it will take him. just a terrible disease and a terrible way to go. I hope that Brett will not have to deal with Lewy body dementia which presents in some cases of parkinsons.
they have made some very interesting correlations with gut health and parkinsons. it sounds weird, but scientists are pretty close to making a connection there. I am sure Bretts case would be caused by repeated blows to the head, but others could be caused by gut issues.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Suspect his addiction to pain killers were also a factor.
I didn't know he was an addict as well. I am not seeing a lot of redeeming qualities in this man. I really hope they throw the book at him over the welfare scandal. I hate seeing evil people profit from crime. And his attempts at sympathy are transparent.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
Pain killers, even seemingly benign ones bought without a prescription, can be quite detrimental to the internal organs, especially the kidneys and liver.
What pain killers might do to alter brain function, I'm not exactly sure, but I would be sure it couldn't be good.
I follow you on the gut health issue. Probably we've seen or read some of the same videos and articles.
One important thing to add that would help Favre and everyone else. When afflicted with anything, brain disease, cancer, etc, doesn't matter what it is, a proper change in diet and nutrition will be of definite help and sometimes could even reverse it, possibly cure it altogether.
A good friend of mine, fraternity brother, a while back told me he had developed arthritis. I told him what to do, he followed most of the advice but not all of it, and still within around two weeks he was completely free of any arthritis pain. Simply by utilizing some dietary changes.
Even if a disease is considered "hopeless" and irreversible, it is fact that dietary changes can definitively help in making the medicines being used, work more effectively. For example with cancer, it is fact that dietary changes often do help make chemo treatment work better than it normally would.
Brett Favre, as a professional athlete, with the best trainers in the world who played football at a high level into his 40s, certainly had world-class eating habits.
The idea that diet or nutrition will have any effect on cancer, let alone reverse or cure it, is laughably naive. The lack of any supporting evidence to back up this claim is enough to shoot it down.
I do not have time for ignorant trolls.
ignore list: 1948_Swell_Robinson, Darin, bgr, bronco2078, dallasactuary
While not a miracle cure the idea that diet and nutrition would have no effect on disease is just laughable. Its well known that you can get a better chance of a better outcome if youre eating better like a hunter fisherman as opposed to living off canned cheese and processed foods.
He definitely had more concussions than reported as well. If youre seeing stars you have a concussion they just didnt care back then and still only kind of care now
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
the public did not know he has parkinson's until the congressional hearing
why did he break the news there and then?
Favre absolutely tried to play the sympathy card. It is horrible for him and his family that he was diagnosed with Parkinsons but it has absolutely no bearing on his behavior in regards to cheating the taxpayers of Mississippi.
You can both feel bad for him over his health issues but also realize he is simply a crook and undoubtedly a terrible human being. Stealing from welfare is really the lowest of the low especially for someone that is already wealthy.
I now come to these boards for my medical advice, financial advice, and mental health training.
It is very interesting that some persons, at a young age, choose to participate in dangerous sports (i.e. football, boxing, MMA, rugby) and similar high risk activities (i.e. free climbing, parasailing, wingsuit flying, etc.), even after being informed about the likely health problems that they will experience later in life.
While young these persons make the choice (as is their right) to participate. They enjoy doing so and the benefits (money, fame, etc.) that go along with it.
However, after they retire, get older and begin to experience accelerated mental and/or physical decline some of them do not cope well at all (and have a severe case of regret over their choice, at a younger age, to compete). Some whine and complain, seeking sympathy from others. Some are at peace with their life and deem the tradeoff (of a glorious youth for a painful golden years) worthwhile and live their lives as best as they can.
I did a little reading about the money situation going on in MSU. Perhaps I have missed something, but this is my current understanding:
Favre is an athletic booster for MSU. He went to the Gov. and asked for state funds for MSU sports. The Gov. agreed to fund $6MM for the schools volleyball team/facility. It was at a later date discovered that the Gov. had taken these funds from the welfare department.
Favre and MSU agreed to a $1.1MM one year contract for Favre to make personal appearances and give speeches promoting the schools volleyball team. Favre, did not keep his end of the contract. He then repaid the $1.1MM he was paid.
The state is now demanding Favre pay 66% of that 1.1MM in addition to the full amount he returned. an additional $730k.
Am I missing something? it sounds like, at worst, Favre reneged on his aggreement to make a number of speeches for the schools volleyball team and then returned that money. I dont see anywhere that he knew the $6MM was coming from the welfare fund.
again, perhaps I have missed something as I did not spend hours researching this.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
That's a pretty accurate take.
Brett Favre isn't really a good person, but he's not really guilty of anything illegal in the welfare case. Parkenson's Disease is brutal so I do feel sorry for him.
The total funds misappropriated was $77,000,000.
You are missing the part where Favre expressed knowledge that him receiving the welfare funds was illegal.
You are missing that even if the governor was the one misappropriating funds, all of the recipients of those ill gotten funds is culpable in the crimes of the governor. especially if they express in writing that them receiving the funds is illegal.
Favre isn't an innocent bystander, he was active in the fraud.
Quick edit: Asking who benefitted from the crime? provides some insight into who is guilty of the crimes.
The person who benefitted was Farve's daughter and her volleyball team. So who is guilty here? Who spent the money on themselves?
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
from what I understand, Favres part was the $6MM for MSU and the $1.1MM speakers fee that he returned. Also from what I understand, Favre did not know of the misappropriated funds until the $ was already spent and out there.
the architect behind the whole $77MM scheme was the head of TANF. Her and the governer are in deep trouble.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
At a certain point, Favre had to have an understanding that spending welfare money on his daughters volleyball team was improper. And they have him questioning the legality of the money in writing.
The water looks pretty clear, even if Favre is stirring up silt over his diagnosis.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
This is entirely inaccurate.
There are texts from Favre with tacitly knowing about the scam. Nancy New was a non-profit director working with Human Services in Mississippi:
" Favre's message to New in August 2017, 'If you were to pay me is there anyway (sic) the media can find out where it came from and how much?'”
He knew the funds were being diverted illegally. You think it was a coincidence Mississippi got a multi-million dollar Volleyball facility to which her daughter would have directly benefited?
I do not have time for ignorant trolls.
ignore list: 1948_Swell_Robinson, Darin, bgr, bronco2078, dallasactuary
the whole thing is inaccurate or just the timing of Favre knowing about where the funds came from? I believe the dollar amounts are correct and that New being the mastermind are correct.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I don't get what you are trying to prove?
We get it, you think he is innocent. Clearly he isn't. But you keep insisting that he is. Good for you.
I hope they throw the book at Favre and he can get treatment for his Parkinsons in prison, where he belongs.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
Some folks just have a hard time believing that a celebrated and gifted person could reduce himself to the level of deceit and criminality that causes most regular folks to go sit in the penalty box.
Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.
I did some research too. I wouldn't say Favre is "clearly guilty" of anything.
my grandmother had parkinsons and it was a slow demise that i wouldn't wish on anyone
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Sure is scummy of Favre to use a very real, very terrible disease as a ploy for sympathy in light of his welfare scandal.
There are people who really do suffer badly from Parkinsons, and I do not see what Parkinsons has to do with his crimes.
Very manipulative of this drug addict to deflect blame.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
don't forget terrible gambling tips
if anyone wants some of that, holla at your boy
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
The whole thing is not accurate? In what world does someone like Favre want to ensure the source and amount of the funds to his pet project be kept under wraps not signify guilt to you? In what world would Favre be able to secure over a million dollars in public speaking fees and it not be questionable?
That text is verified to have come from Favre.
As others have asked: why are you sitting here arguing against facts which prove Favre was culpable in the entire scheme?
I do not have time for ignorant trolls.
ignore list: 1948_Swell_Robinson, Darin, bgr, bronco2078, dallasactuary
I am not "trying to prove" anything. I didnt know much about the case and have been working through it trying to gain more clarity.
to be clear, I am in no way a brett favre "fan" he has certainly done some scummy things throughout his life. I simply want a little clarity before I throw the guy under the bus.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I provided a text verified to have come from Favre. His daughter, a volleyball player, just so happened to go to the same school which inexplicably spent $5M on volleyball court upgrades as she was enrolling. He was paid over a million dollars in public speaking fees from the same university.
How many more things need to be proven before you admit he's guilty?
I do not have time for ignorant trolls.
ignore list: 1948_Swell_Robinson, Darin, bgr, bronco2078, dallasactuary
take a breath. I dont care if he is innocent or guilty, I am simply trying to get information about the allegations.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
You seem to be intentionally misrepresenting every aspect of this case. So, I reject your call for clarity. The situation is already crystal clear.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
I read the text transcripts myself and nothing there proves he knew the money was misappropriated. I think he didn't want people to know that he was being paid the $1.1M for speaking engagements by the state. I'm really glad though that while the state of Mississippi couldn't prove this that there are sleuths here who know everything that happened. Bravo. Crystal Clear. I think the bigger issue is the certainty with which some people consider their own opinions.
we have a couple of real Hardy Boys on the case here
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Where is the proof. I don't see anything posted.
Maybe you are right , maybe craig is right. Maybe it is some where in the middle. Looks like you guys are vultures attacking craig for what he believes is right.
This is what I have said before to you Mistlin about attacking people like you are something special thinking you know everything and everyone else is always wrong. Wether your right or wrong you don't need to disrespect. Why can't we just get along. It's ok to have a different opinion.
Because $2m of the misappropriated money went to a "concussion drug" company that Favre is tied to. Concussions are thought to be a possible precursor to Parkinson's.
The $2m, by the way, was then used by the company CEO for gambling.
Where there's smoke, there's fire, as the old saying goes.
Favre throwing out his alleged medical condition, which supposedly was diagnosed back in January, during testimony about his part in bilking millions of dollars from welfare recipients, was nothing but a 'pity me and don't throw me in jail even though I deserve it!' ploy.
Anyone still believing this guy as innocent is suffering from hero worship.
I do not have time for ignorant trolls.
ignore list: 1948_Swell_Robinson, Darin, bgr, bronco2078, dallasactuary
Sounds reasonable. So your assertion is that the two people saying he is guilty without a doubt, are both wrong?
I'm saying that I haven't seen any evidence which proves he was involved or aware of a conspiracy to defraud the taxpayers of and/or the state of Mississippi. I think that fundraising is almost always based in self-interest so I would expect people who are asking for money to be asking for that money to be directed to their own causes. I would like to see the evidence that other people who are so very certain must possess so that I could form a conclusion. I wouldn't assert they're wrong because I don't know and I'm going to assume they have information that I don't have to justify their conclusion. Unless they're willing to share that information it's not possible for me to evaluate the situation differently.
😂 I don’t know anything about the Favre thing but that was a good one.
Seems scummy to me to hate a guy because he's suffering from addiction and Parkinsons.
I'll wait to get all the information, I believe everyone's innocent until proven guilty. I see some questionable things here, but no proof that Favre was trying to take money from children and or the needy.