Paper nickel

My dad had a collection of one dollar coins. I don’t remember much about this collection other than it having a paper nickel in one of the slots. If I remember correctly it was not the size of a regular note, but much smaller. He had gotten dimension, and was showing the coins off one day. He also had a collection of walker half dollars. My mom found the half dollar collection outside after a few hours but the dollar collection was gone. Even after his passing, my mom sold the house and never found the dollar collection. But in that was the paper nickel. Is that even a real thing? And where can I track one down? As far as the walker coins go, my mom sent them to me about a month ago. There were 3 coins missing. I called a coin man kinda close to our area and he actually had the missing coins I needed. I purchased the 3 to complete the collection, to pay tribute to my dad. I don’t remember if the dollars were peace dollars or trade dollars, but I know they weren’t Morgan’s. Anyway if anyone knows about that nickel I would greatly appreciate if you could point me in the direction of one. Once I get that ima start to rebuild the dollar collection that was stolen. Probably start with the peace dollar. Thanks in advance.
My guess about the paper five cent piece is that it was one of the fractional currency notes issued in the mid-1800’s in various denominations like this:
Hey, thanks walker. I’m pretty sure that is what I was. I wanna buy one, will I be able to find something similar at the coin trade shows? And what book is that?
@Claymac78 Walkerguy21D is correct. I collect quite a bit of paper currency, and happen to have many graded and raw fractional notes. The one you are seeking is a 5 Cent, First Issue fractional. You can buy them ungraded quite inexpensively, ranging from $20 to $50 depending on condition. I paid just over $100 for my PMG graded example (graded 55EPQ). Here it is...
Best regards,
Dwayne Sessom
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
Hey, secession, thanks. That’s a really nice representation of what is really just a nickel. I don’t really collect much of anything, just got started anyways. Can I find those at the coin shows? I am more interested in the raw bill, that’s what was in his collection. But probably the first one I see is gonna be the one I get. That holds a lot of sentimental value to me. But if you wanna sell yours, please hit me up cause I would love to have it. Thanks.
Do you have an Ebay account? Here is a raw one on Ebay for $55 and free shipping.
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
The five cent note is the only denomination I’m missing from my small fractional collection. That’s why I had to post a picture from a book 😔
Kinda scared of eBay. If I buy it and it’s fake I’d have to take me out back and shoot me. But if I find one at a show, that’s different. I do appreciate you looking out though. Walker what book did you find that picture in? Was it the red book?
There is probably a newer edition now, since I’ve owned it awhile.
Thanks, ima have to get me one. I feel like if I’m gonna collect, ima need to research as much as possible too. Y’all have been awesome.
Fractional currency are pretty plentiful, and I have not come across any counterfeits so far. Not saying counterfeits don't exist. I am sure they do, but I am saying that it's not a huge concern. If you really are worried, buy a graded one.
Also, I failed to mention that there are actually THREE 5 cent fractional notes out there;
First Issue (21-Aug-1862 to 27-May-1863)

Second Issue (10-Dec-1863 to 23-Feb-1867)

Third Issue (5-Dec-1864 to 16-Aug-1869)

Anyway, good luck in your search. Local coin shows and some coin shops will have them, but in my experience, Ebay, Heritage, David Lawrence, or other auction house is your best bet to find a nice one.
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
I have shopped a wide range of World banknotes on eBay (from US & other foreign online dealers) over the past 20 years & have never received a fake. I have bought hundreds of notes.
I also rarely buy from my 2 LCS (both 1 hour drive away) unless its supplies: both of the dealers' notes are over graded & overpriced (compared to online). They're coin people first & they both have rents to pay. Whenever I travel, I pop into the city's LCS & it's the same deal anywhere anywhere in the rest of the world (as far as I can tell).
Great examples posted here guys!
Good luck in your pursuit @Claymac78
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