1652 New England 3 Pence, pictures of slabbed coin
Posts: 5,769 ✭✭✭✭✭
I visited Stack’s Gallery in Boston and got a chance to check out the 3 pence piece in person. Here’s a couple of pictures
Here's the original thread on CoinCommunity where the OP posted it for the first time.
Collector of Capped Bust Halves, SLQ's, Commems, and random cool stuff! @davidv_numismatics on Instagram
That is one that I would like to own,
Tremendous piece of history-thanks for posting.
If the below has already been posted that long thread--please ignore!
From the Massachusetts Bay Colony Mint Act of May 27, 1652:
in persuance of the Intent of this court herein Be it further Ordered & enacted by the Authoritie of this court That all persons whatsoever have libertie to bring unto the mint howse at Boston all Bullion plate or Spanish Coyne there to be melted & brought to the Allay of Sterling silver by John Hull master of the said mint, & his sworne officers & by him to be Coyned into twelve pence Six pence & three pence peeces which shalbe for forme flatt & square on the sides [modified in committee to round rather than square] & Stamped on the one side with N E & on the other side with xiid. vid & iiid according to the value of each peece together with a privie marke which Shalbe appoynted every three monethes by the governor & knowne only to him & the sworne officers of the mint