Toned Morgan NEWP !

This came along today, I couldn’t pass it up at 80 bucks!
The back is really dark, normally I would think terminal toning, but, not the case on this one. The luster is very, very clear and looks excellent through the toning. There’s a lot of color in here. You just have to have the light hitting it correctly…
The videos show it a lot better:
Nice one
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Nice! That’s an amazing score for only $80!
Very nice !
Casual collector: Morgans & Peace Dollars & 20th Century Type Set. Successful BST transactions with Morgan13, CoinFinder, CoinHunter4, Bretsan.
Not bad for $80 if you have the cash to spend. It is an 81-S.
Great pick up! Love the underlying luster.
Thanks everybody!
My YouTube Channel
Nice pick up.
Student of numismatics and collector of Morgan dollars
Successful BST transactions with: Namvet Justindan Mattniss RWW olah_in_MA
Dantheman984 Toyz4geo SurfinxHI greencopper RWW bigjpst bretsan MWallace logger7
I wouldn't kick it outta bed for eating crackers!
My YouTube Channel
Pretty! You can get some good value toners if you dont mind that its reverse toning. It seems like oberse toning can be 3x the price even if the color is the same.
Founder- Peak Rarities
I have noticed that, all of my toners to date are reverse toners, which is fine, I would like to find one that is obverse at some point however.
My YouTube Channel
I’d buy coins like that all day at $80.
Love the toning and the old green holder.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Acquiring a toned coin of this caliber at little to no premium is a real treat. I feel lucky that the owner of my LCS places no premium on vibrantly toned coins. I've made some nice scores because of that.
Young Numismatist • My Toned Coins
Life is roadblocks. Don't let nothing stop you, 'cause we ain't stopping. - DJ Khaled
My other toner, my all-time favorite Morgan was completely free as far as the toning was concerned in fact, the plus grade and the CAC sticker were all free. I got this one below general Greysheet bid! One of my best buys ever:
$665 or something close to that…
My YouTube Channel
That’s fantastic!!
Sweet Morgan Morgans
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Better than the MOC toners, certainly.
Thanks everybody!
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