How strong of a strike does a mm have to be, to say, maybe it is a 1982 (?) small date ?
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Two examples of why I'm asking. If I take a pencil and rub it, they show as a raised image.
How strong of a strike does a mm have to be, to say, maybe it is a 1982 (?) small date ?
And Is this a rule of thumb on any coin ?
You know what to do:
Not that rule of thumb.
What does a strong or weak strike have to do whether it is a small or large date?
The positioning of the numbers do not move.
A mint mark strike is my question. On any coin.
Look above the (small date) 8 in both of these photos. That is an example of my question and notice they could be related. Oh my.
Small or large date is not in question .
Think about this.
The slogan "this is your brain on drugs ". Hence, the image of an egg sunny side up as it is frying in butter on a stove.
Now @IkesT .. ( ) shows what should have been, to send this message.
Switch the egg and use bacon cooking during a rain storm, (for the effect)
with a figure posed in a fetal position showing, a brain is a terrible thing to ignore.
Now ...back to work. LOL'...S
..A.......good try..
On any coin.