TR Lampooned - Editorial Cartoon "T Roosevelt: Designer of Coins and Other Things." Feb. 24, 1907
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I know Teddy's coinage ideas were controversial, --but a stork?
[Description-- Copied From TR’s Papers]
President Roosevelt holds a paintbrush and a palette in front of an easel with a coin design that reads, "Theodoeus Rex Imperator." On the wall are several other designs: "Veni vidi vici Ted"; "The new national bird," which features a stork; "Our official beast," which features a mouse eating cheese, and a mounted man on a horse that says, "Kosciuszko." A sign reads, "T, Roosevelt: Designer of Coins and Other Things."
The top of page 1 of the 2-24-1907 Washington Post, Sunday newspaper states it is 136 pages in length (most likely with far less advertisements then compared to a Sunday newspaper of today).
I suspect that if one had a copy of that Sunday newspaper many of the published articles would have similar content to articles published today in 2024 (crime, politics, pop culture, sports, etc).
Cool image!
At the time in the US the eugenics movement had quite a bit of steam and there was also a medal designed by Laura Garden Fraser for Better Babies sponsored by Women's Home Companion. An image of the medal is below and I took the image from the below link-
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
According to the source below, in the 1900s-1910s at the time of Fraser's 1913 medal,
the Better Babies Bureau and contests were about infant mortality and hygenics.
It was not until later, in the 1920s-30s that it evolved into "Fitter Families" which became about eugenics (selective breeding).
The Kosciusko statue was dedicated in 1904. Likely TR had some involvement.