1987 Fleer Glossy Greg Maddux

4 Sharp Corners has sold 15 psa 10's in the last 3 months. 15 -- i doubt i have received 15 10's from PSA in the last 5 years total. That's just one card. I haven't looked at any other ones.
That's ridiculous.
Work hard and you will succeed!!
Ha. I wish I could say I had a different experience than you but I cannot. We are in the same silly boat.
They musta busted the perfect case.
Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.
I'm changing my username to 4RonSportscards to see if that helps.
nice ron
Am I the only one who remembers 4SC's reputation from the early 2000's through ??? I guess they are still up to the same ol crap. I wonder how many 10's of thousands, if not 100's of thousands of PSA 10's they have been responsible for over the years! My 10 rate then was usually about 4-5% while theirs was 95%. Yep no funny business here.....Move Along!
4SC has a huge consignment business, not all the cards and I’d bet not even most of the cards, are theirs.
You should check out the 1979 PSA Eckersley that they recently received. This is the first 10 ever and the card should have received a PSA 8 at best. You can see the card on EBAY recent sales. We actually discussed this card in a previous post.
5th verse
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
Before PSA was privately owned, it was mentioned in their prospectus that there were 3 huge submitters that the business model was depending upon. 4SC was one. The others?
My GUESS, PWCC and Probstein.
A pillar of great business is to keep your largest customers happy, then factor in a legit business' only actual goal is revenue. Take all that for what it's worth then form the only logical conclusion.
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
I used to buy from a dude named PSAGRADED or something like that. Had weekly auctions of 1980's and 1990's PSA 10's. Had hundreds per week.
I picked up 10 1984 topps PSA 10's of Cal Ripken Jr for $200 from him and I still have them. Loads of PSA 10's.
Consignment - 15 people were consigning 1987 Fleer Glossy Maddux cards in 3 months. Come on -- Not buying that.
Like the 1979 ECK above - you can look at the card and know who got the 10.
Why would it have to be 15 different people consigning?
My point is, they are now one of the largest eBay consignors. They have 32k listings vs Probsteins 13k.
So if you guys are going to bellyache at their listings at least understand the model is primarily consignment today, there is a very good chance the card wasn’t subbed by 4sc.
And hold on, you can look at a card and know who subbed it? Fantastic….I will be posting over graded cards on this thread and would love to know who subbed them, so thx in advance.
you should, prolly originally graded by 4sc.
also the consigning thing makes things look up and up. why would one want to consign $90 cards?
Look at the 79 PSA 10 Eckersley and please explain how that card received a 10? There's slight wear on two corners and a big black smudge on the top right of the card. This was the first 10 ever and sold for almost 10K. If someone cracked the case and tried to sell it raw they would be lucky to get $20. Check out the card.
There's no chance if I submitted that card to PSA or some other Joe Blow submitted it that it would have received a 10. In fact there's no chance it would have received a 9.
Poor dead horse. Still getting beaten.
Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.
A lot of people consign cards at that value, especially if they have a bulk lot of cards. There are still collectors out there that don’t sell on eBay as a side gig.
Also why the hate on 4SC? If you think the grades they get are shady, the issue is with PSA and not 4SC.
It's not 4SC's problem at all. They are reaping huge benefits. i wouldn't argue if PSA gave me 10's like that. No hate at all for 4SC's.
Consistency is huge for a lot stuff in life. But almost certainly, coin, card, comic book grading -- consistency is REQUIRED. Without it, how does the collector know what a 9 looks like or what a 10 is supposed to look like. And as a seller, is your card really worth X if there are 1000 of them or it has print mark on it or it's way off centered.
The grading gives everyone an expectation of the value/market value of the card, comic, etc. Certainly, human error comes into play both ways. BUt shouldn't come into play on 10's. On a 4 or 6, ok, but a 10 should look like a 10, no matter who subs it. SGC BECKETT PSA shouldn't allow a 10 to leave the shop without several people signing off on it.
When you review the POP report for SGC, they have relatively low numbers of 10's but higher number of 8.5's. That makes sense to me. PSA is just the opposite, you will find more 10's than 8.5's of practically all their cards. How can that be? Does that even make sense?
A lot of the issues came from years ago and probably isn't a big issue now. Probably at first, in order to garner attention, some things could have been overlooked. And Larry F, 4SC and a few others were in the right spot at the right time.
Just Frustrating -- for people who grade a decent amount.
20 out of 48 psa 10's of 1987 nolan ryan's sold in the last three months.
I'd say one of the other two is probably Just Collect/Vintage Breaks.
I've also noticed a lot of PSA 10's recently from 4SC as well as other sellers such as chippercards.
I focus mostly on 1990's & early 2000's baseball refractors, and it seems like the gem rates are quite high. Finding mint refractors from this era is tough, let alone gem 10's.
i viewed the last 240 sells of 1983 psa 10's. there are a total of 2,061. Out of the last 240 psa 10 sells exactly 100 came from our buddies. over 40%. incredible. that's just one year. if the pattern were to hold, over 800 of the 2000 would be from the same seller.
out of my 3500 submissions, i think i have received around 120 10's. 3%.
And your 3% is better than my rate.
Obviously, we all need to be trained by those guys how to choose cards to send in for grading since they seem to be so much better at knowing what to send.
most of the 10's happened before the acquisition. then things changed